Tuesday 13 March 2018

Year 2 - Pokemon and Toys - 13th March 2018

After more discussion in year 2 today about our favourite toys and games we came back to the issues of toys in school - a few have started creeping back into playtime activities.  We have decided as a class that we would keep our toys at home and to play with friends and family outside school.  All of the children are familiar with this rule in the class.  The only exception I have allowed is for some children who need a small toy or animal in their pocket or bag as a comfort for specific times when they need a bit more nurture and support.  These toys are not played with at playtimes or shown to other children but kept to themselves. 
Pokemon cards have also made a come back this week and are already causing some problems in school.  Swapping is one of the difficulties that arise where older children make rather good deals on the swapping front, leaving the younger children without their cards and in some cases non-genuine card.
So please, please, please keep your toys and Pokemon cards at home and play them with friends and family!

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