Friday 19 January 2018

Year 2 - Maths Learning - Week Beginning 12th November 2018

This week the children have been working on their division skills.  To support children's understanding we have been ensuring they have a chance to work practically, draw pictures and use their known number facts (times tables) to help work out answers.
At home, try sharing items out between a given number of people.  Try writing this as a division statement.  Also try drawing a picture to show a division.  For 20 divided by 4, draw 4 stick men and then share the 20 out equally between the 4 stick men.  The answer is how many they get each.  Children will then be ready to divide by 2, 5 or 10 using their times table facts as opposites.  At home this week you can practice the 2 times table using the cards provided for home learning.

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