Friday, 26 January 2018
Year 2 - A letter from the Queen - 26th January 2018

Year 2 - Awesome Assembly - February 2018
Year 2 - Home Learning - 26th January 2018

There are two story mountains, please write down on one of these the ideas you have for the story.
Year 2 - Maths Learning - Week Beginning 22nd June 2018

Today the children have really enjoyed conducting their own surveys using tally marks and frequency tables to collect their own data. They then constructed bar charts showing their data more clearly and made comments on what they found out. Great independent Maths learning, well done year 2!
Year 2 - Literacy Learning - Week beginning 22nd January 2018

Next week the Magic Key will be taking us off on an adventure. Please see this week's home learning activity preparing for the Big Write next week.
Friday, 19 January 2018
Year 2 - Award Trophies - 19th January 2018

Many thanks.
Year 2 - Gold, Silver and Bronze awards for times tables - 19th January 2018

Year 2 - Last curtain call for Victorian Costumes - 19th January 2018
As you know it is our class assembly next Friday 26th January. For this assembly we would like the children to wear their Victorian costume for the last time. Please bring your child to school on Friday 26th wearing their costumes with their school uniform in a named bag to change into later. Don't forget to come along to the assembly at 9:20 in the school hall and see what we've been up to this term.
Year 2 - Amazing Home Learning - 19th January 2018
Thank you year 2 for your amazing efforts with home learning this week. Last week you were given the choice of several activities to learn more about the Victorian Classroom. We have had all sorts of different work handed in, from beautifully presented school rules, to imaginative diary entries as well as lists of similarities and differences between the Victorian Classroom and now. Some children also enjoyed the online activities we suggested. Lots of children also attempted more than one of the activities showing real determination, enjoyment and motivation in their learning - well done Year 2. I am trying to catch up with certificates, but lots of superhero points have been awarded already!
Year 2 - Fabulous Victorian Day - 19th January 2018

The children experienced what it would be like to go to a Victorian School, how to bake a Victoria Sponge Cake, play Victorian games and they even experienced a trip to the Crimean War with Florence Nightingale.
Later in the day Queen Victoria came to tea, she spoke with the children whilst enjoying the Victoria Sponge Cake the children baked earlier in the day. Her Majesty left a parting gift of a magic key, she explained how this may take them back in time to Victorian times at any time! The children have been keeping a close eye on it ever since.
What an exciting day we have had! We will be using our experiences to inspire lots of writing through the coming weeks.
Hope you enjoy the pictures!

Year 2 - Class Assembly - 26th January 2018
Our class assembly will be on Friday 26th January 2018 at 9:20am in the school hall. Please come along and see what we have been learning this term so far. Who knows where the magic key will take us...
Year 2 - Maths Learning - Week Beginning 12th November 2018
This week the children have been working on their division skills. To support children's understanding we have been ensuring they have a chance to work practically, draw pictures and use their known number facts (times tables) to help work out answers.
At home, try sharing items out between a given number of people. Try writing this as a division statement. Also try drawing a picture to show a division. For 20 divided by 4, draw 4 stick men and then share the 20 out equally between the 4 stick men. The answer is how many they get each. Children will then be ready to divide by 2, 5 or 10 using their times table facts as opposites. At home this week you can practice the 2 times table using the cards provided for home learning.
At home, try sharing items out between a given number of people. Try writing this as a division statement. Also try drawing a picture to show a division. For 20 divided by 4, draw 4 stick men and then share the 20 out equally between the 4 stick men. The answer is how many they get each. Children will then be ready to divide by 2, 5 or 10 using their times table facts as opposites. At home this week you can practice the 2 times table using the cards provided for home learning.
Year 2 - Literacy Learning - Week Beginning 12th January 2018
This week we have had a big focus on our handwriting. The children have been writing up their work to stick into Victorian Scrapbooks that we are making, they have also had the opportunity to use handwriting pens. They have come up with the following success criteria to improve their handwriting:
We have also been practicing learning word types and using these to help us write interesting sentences.
- Concentrate/ Focus
- Think about the size of your writing. Small but clear.
- Sit up straight and be still.
- Feet on the floor.
- Non-writing hand holding paper.
- Try to join to keep letters in words close together.
- Join if you can.
- Use a ruler to underline.

We have also been practicing learning word types and using these to help us write interesting sentences.
Year 2 - Spellings - 19th January 2018 to learn for 26th January 2018
This week's spellings are as follows:
Red Phonics
– 19th January 2018 Name:_____________________________
Write, check (1)
Write, check (2)
Write, check (3)
– Can you find other words that have dge, ge at the end?
– Orange Phonics groups 19th
January 2018 Name:_____________________________
Write, check (1)
Write, check (2)
Write, check (3)
Can you think of any more words that have the j sound in? It could be spelt with a g, ge, dge or j.
Spellings Yellow and Green group 19th
January 2018 Name…………………………………………………
Write Check (1)
Write Check (2)
Write Check (3)
Year 2 - Home learning - 19th January 2018

Friday, 12 January 2018
Year 2 - Maths Learning - Week Beginning 8th January 2018

Year 2 - Literacy Learning - Week Beginning 8th January 2018
This week we have been writing, writing, writing! We have found out lots more about the Victorians along the way. The children have been challenged to make their own scrapbooks containing pictures and writing about the Victorians. This week we have written reports about Victorian toys and games, Victorian Kitchens, Victorian Christmas Cards, Victorian Stationers, Victorian Peg Dolls, facts about famous Victorians and a Biography about Queen Victoria. The standard of writing has been amazing, writing everyday is really paying off. Well done year 2!
Year 2 - CPG support materials - 12th January 2018
Dear Parents
We have the opportunity as a school to do
an order of CGP KS1 Skills Practice Materials.
These may be useful if you are looking to support your child as they
progress towards their end of Key Stage Assessments in June. They contain activities to support the
learning that we have covered in school in years 1 and 2 as well as give them
opportunities to practice test type questions.
There is absolutely no obligation to buy these materials, but they are
very reasonably priced if you are looking for something like this to support
learning at home.
If you would like to see some sample
materials, they are available to view in the classroom. Please feel free to have a browse and see if
these are something you could use at home.
Enclosed with this letter is a list of the
resources available. Please complete and
return with payment to the school office by next Wednesday (17th
January) and we will put in a bulk order to get the best possible price for
Yours sincerely
Miss A Johnson
CPG Range – The ones highlighted in yellow
are most likely to help with SATS Preparation.
KS 1 Maths - Targeted Study and Question
book – Year 1
KS 1 Maths - Targeted Study and Question
book – Year 2
KS 1 Maths - Yearly workout – Reception
KS 1 Maths - Yearly workout –
Year 1 Level
KS1 Maths - Yearly workout –
Year 2 Level
KS1 Maths SATS Study Book
KS1 Maths SATS Question Book
KS1 Maths SAT Buster – Reasoning
KS1 Maths SAT Buster –
KS1 – Maths SAT Buster 10 minute tests.
KS1 English – Grammar, Punctuation and
Spelling – Year 1
KS1 English – Grammar, Punctuation and
Spelling – Year 2
KS1 English – Reading Comprehension –
Year 1
KS1 English – Reading Comprehension –
Year 2
KS1 – Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling – SATS study and Practice.
KS1 – Reading – SATS Study and Practice Book
KS1 English SAT Buster – Reading
KS1 English SAT Buster – Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
KS1 English SAT Buster 10 minute tests –
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling
KS1 English SAT Buster 10 minute tests –
Final Total:
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