Friday 12 January 2018

Year 2 - Maths Learning - Week Beginning 8th January 2018

This week we have really mastered multiplication!  The children are getting more confident in learning their times tables and working out related multiplication facts.  By using equipment and drawing pictures we have been able to understand how multiplication means groups of or lots of.  We have also been practicing our times tables.  Your child will be coming home today with their first times table certificates.  The first step to learning tables is being able to count in multiples.  For example to learn the 10s you need to be able to count in 10s first and identify any patterns in these numbers.  Then you can work out facts using your ability to count in multiples, for example, 5x4=, hold up 4 fingers and count on 5 each time.  Then comes the quick recall!  Can your child quickly recall times table facts in any order?  Practice at home by counting in 2s, 5s and 10s then 3s.  Times table songs are fun, there are some on Mathletics (if they work ) or youtube.  Once your child is confident they can move on to quick recall.  At home try to practice these and spot patterns.  Next week we will be looking at division. 

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