Friday 5 January 2018

Year 2 - Home Learning - 5th January 2018

This week we have been working hard to learn all about multiplication and division.  One of the activities we have enjoyed is our multiplication and division work book.  The children have asked if they can bring these booklets home so that they can do some more.  For home learning this week, please help your child to complete one or more pages in the booklet or the worksheet that I have sent instead.  Talk about multiplication as lots of or groups of and division as sharing, grouping or "how many 2s can you fit in 10?", for example.  Can they explain how to divide?  Please bring the workbook back to school next week so that we can finish them in school.  Also, don't panic if there is something that your child cannot yet do in the booklet.  This is the first week of a 3 week block on Multiplication and Division, so there will be plenty of time to work on these areas.
Learning the 2, 5 and 10 times tables is an expectation of children at year 2.  Why not have a go at counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s and seeing if you can remember these facts?  Or move onto 3s and 4s if you are perfect at these already.

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