Wednesday 17 April 2013

A "buzzing" classroom!

Hi there!

Well, we have continued to work hard as we always do in Year 2! Our literacy this week has been writing recounts both about our trip to the farm and tomorrow, about our Easter holidays - We learned how to write paragraphs (I used the image of a picture = new paragraph!!!!) We also learned how to use sequential sentence openers to help tell the order of our visit (tricky stuff!!!!!)

In numeracy we have been learning about multiplication and and it's relationship with repeated addition. Along side this we have also been problem solving too.

Group reading has been "buzzing" with lots of activities taking place...........getting lost in a book of your choice in quiet reading, reading comprehension, reading journal activities, gardening and word work using the ipads!!!!!!

During science we launched our new topic - The Human Body, which sparked lots of interest and prepared for lots of questions - home learning to follow in the book bags! (I will post it on the blog tomorrow as well.) Mrs. Webb also launched the DT topic which links to our science - healthy eating......."dips and dippers" - Yummy!

Thank you to all of you who have brought in books for our reading corner and also to those of you who have donated cushions, material, paper etc - we really appreciate it!

I have also had two more kind and brave parents offer to come in and read to the children so we are very excited!!!!!! Please come forward if you would like to have a go!

Thank you also to our parent volunteers who have come back to give more of their time to listen to the children read - lots of positive comments about how the children are really improving!

See you tomorrow - Mrs. Johnson and the Year 2 Team!

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