Wednesday 27 March 2013

Collaborative learning

The children are working on a collaborative learning project this week - the task is to create a poster about the Great Fire of London - The children were put into groups of four and after that they have worked totally independently, planning, gathering information and working as a team. The teachers have been observing and making notes to feed back to the class and I am so proud and pleased to report that the board was full of "www" - what went well and only 6 "ebi" - even better if........... the children reflect on these unnamed comments and discuss how to continue with the www and how to over come the ebi in order to progress and achieve the best learning and the desired outcomes. When the children saw and heard the www comments they said  it made them feel happy and proud. They were also able to identify which of our learning skills characters they used to help them achieve this.

Examples of comments made by the children during their learning........."would you like some help?" "You're working really well!" "Guys, the baker's family escaped from the fire!" "Should we use some sparkle.......I was thinking...."

The children will be working collaboratively tomorrow to complete this would be sooooo proud of them if you could see them in action!!!!!!!!

Well done Year 2!!!!!!!!!!

Also a huge well done and thank you to our class council reps who did a superb job representing the school and our class!!!!!

Thank you to Mrs. Stevens in advance who is coming in to read a story to the class at the end of the day - anyone else that would like to do the same, please let me know!!!!!

Another quick request for any books for our class library which we will be constructing in the holidays!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you though to all of you who have already donated some lovely books!!!!!!

Mrs. johnson, Mrs. Webb, Mrs. Creed and Mrs. Long

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