Thursday 14 March 2013

A love of learning!

The children have been enjoying learning all about sentence structure - we used the metaphor of cooking to help us to understand that you need ingredients for a sentence and you need to follow a recipe (order) for it to make sense!!!! They were also creating their own mnemonics to help them remember tricky words! Great fun!

The children carried out appropriate searches using the internet to research about recycling, then applying their learning by selecting images to copy and paste into word, using word art to add a title then begin typing their research.

During RE we learnt about what Christians remember during Lent of how Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights in the mountains, where the devil tried to tempt him........the children put this into context by using this knowledge to help them solve real life dilemmas and thinking how to over come them - super drama!!!!!

Well done Year 2 for your AMAZING home learning!!!!! I've been soooooo impressed!!!!!

Keep learning those spellings and reading daily too!!!!!!

A quick reminder about Ancient History Week next week - all children will need named wellies in a named bag in school (please do not wear them in the classroom) - and a warm, waterproof coat, hat and gloves etc.


Mrs. Johnson

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