Monday 23 March 2020

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Dear Year Two Super Learners,

I am really sorry I missed you on Friday and didn't get the chance to say -
"Stay Safe and Fit, and I'll See You Soon!"

Unfortunately I have been poorly, which means I have to keep myself at home so that I don't risk spreading any germs.
I am getting better now so I'm ready to help you with your work from my home.
My email address is
If you or your Mums and Dads want to ask me any questions about school stuff, please do so by sending me an email.
As you will have already seen, I am setting bits and pieces of work on our school Learning At Home Planner.
Each day there are Power Maths plans showing the pages that you should try to do in your Practice Books.
There are also instructions for what your group needs to do for Phonics/ Spelling and Reading.
In the case of my group (most of the class), we will be doing about half-a-dozen pages each day from our Harry Potter book with some questions of mine added. Getting someone at home to help with reading this is fine. (I did try to upload a video of me reading the text, but the video file was too big and it would not work. I am trying to sort this out.)
You can expect all sorts of other interesting things on the Learning At Home Planner.
Well done for all of the fantastic work you have sent in so far! Mr. Spracklen has been telling me all about it - and I've been seeing some of it on the "Live-Feed" that Mr. S. is putting online. Brilliant!
Let me know how you get on (email).
Tell me if anything exciting happens while you are at home. - For example, I sat in the sunshine for a while today and saw a butterfly. I think it was a Tortoiseshell, but it was a bit too far away to tell for sure. It is actually very early in the year for butterflies; I wonder if any of you could spot a butterfly in your garden? Let me know if you do.
Keep in touch,
Mr. MacBean

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