Thank you Year Two for all of the great work that you've been sending to me using email and Messenger. I know that Mrs. Brooker has already spoken to lots of you and your Mums and Dads on the telephone this week, and she is very pleased to report how busy we've all been even though we've nearly all had to stay at home.
As a bit of (extra) Home Learning this week I thought it might be nice to see if you can watch this You Tube clip. You will need to be supervised my Mum and/or Dad do this, of course; but hopefully they'll enjoy it too.
The chap that talks on this video clip is called Andy Cope. I met Andy at THSchool last year and thought that he had lots of great ideas, and was a nice chap too.
At the end of the video, Andy sets this "Home Learning Activity":
Write down 30 (but you could make it 10) things that you are really lucky to have in your life.
How about that? Sounds like a worthwhile activity to me. How about you give it a go!
Keep up the great work Year Two.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Mr. M