Monday 24 October 2022


Happy half term everyone! We hope you have a great half term and have a great time with your families.

The home learning for half term is to find out facts about The Victorians. You can present this in any form, such as written in a list, made into a poster or even create a video. If you do decide to create a video please send this to: 

Also, as mentioned in a previous blog, the way we do things in Year 2 will be changing a bit after half term. The classroom will look different and there will be more opportunities for the children to go on their own learning adventures. However, this will be planned well to ensure children are constantly learning and following the curriculum. This is following the works of Greg Bottrill who we had in school to share his wisdom and visions. The new timetable will be shared in due course!

We are asking for some items to be donated if you have these spare at home;

- anything that can be used for junk modelling - recycling from home 

- buttons and string/wool, any spare materials 

Nuts, bolts and washers and random metal things of interest e.g door hinges, keys, etc

- any small plastic toys such as animals, dinosaurs, small people

- small pieces of wood 

- cardboard boxes (small)

- tubes of any kind

Thank you in advance, any questions please email Miss White.

Have a great half term!

The Year 2 Team x

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