Thursday 5 May 2016

Home Learning - 5th May 2016

Year 2 Home Learning – 6th May 2016
The Big Write III
This week we would like to set the scene for out third big write in year 2.  On Wednesday afternoon we would like to light our candles, put on our relaxing music and get carried away with our writing.  This time the children have been planning how to use a well known story and take it just a little bit further.
Our story is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but it turns out that Mr Willy Wonka didn’t just hide five golden tickets but six!
I have asked the children to create a character that would find the sixth golden ticket, they have drawn them, written words to describe them as well as thought about where their character would find their ticket.  The children have also started to plan the story that I would like them to write about their character.
Over the weekend I would like you to take time to discuss your child’s ideas for the story, especially about how they can describe different parts of their story.  Try to draw out the details that the children could then use in their writing.  We are looking for amazing adjectives!  Please fill in the sheet on the back of this sheet with describing words (adjectives) that the children have come up with and return to school by Wednesday 11th May.
Choose words to describe the following:
Your character’s feelings:

Your character’s looks:
Where your character lives:

The place your character finds his ticket:

Outside Mr Wonka’s factory:

Inside Mr Wonka’s Factory:

Chocolate and Sweets that they see:

Any others…

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