Friday 13 September 2024

Year 2: Home learning for week 2

For this weeks home learning we would like you to support your child to access some of the online learning platforms. Today we have sent home all of the passwords. These will have the following usernames and passwords (purplemash, accelerated reader, fonetti and numbots) Some of my spelling group will also have SpellingShed on. 

All of these learning platforms can be accessed via pupil links on the school website. 

Purplemash: There are lots of different activities the children can play such as colouring, making their own music and so many more programs. 

Accelerated reader: We will visit the library every week and your child will get an AR book. Once your child has read their AR books (even with your support) they can complete a quiz by logging on to this link and finding the book (there is a label with the book number on the inside) and answering 5 questions about what they have read. Please support your child to complete these. 

Fonetti: A brilliant program that tracks how your child's fluency in reading increases. There are lots of books that your child can read outloud. 

Numbots: A great maths program that will help your child with number recognition. This starts very simple and will ask your child to count how many objects. 

SpellingShed (can be typed into Google): For children on the spelling program. The children play spelling games. 

Please do contact me if any of the usernames or passwords don't work or you have any questions. 

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