Tuesday 17 September 2024

Year 2: Last weeks praise and our new class pets

 Apologies about the lack of pictures from last week. I have them all now ๐Ÿ˜€

Well done to the children that were praised last week. Amazing achievements from being a reflective butterfly to Maths whizz and brilliant writing. 

The children all looked lovely in their school photos on Monday and were so good at waiting patiently in the whole school picture. 

Just a reminder that on a Friday I will collect in the home learning folders with the children's reading journal in. Please can you write a story that your child has read or that you have shared with them. 

This week we have been working hard to break down our numbers into tens and ones using base ten, tens and ones grid and a part part whole. 

The children were very excited today with the introduction of our new class pets. The leaf insects will be looked after by the children and twice a week they will support to change the brambles. 

Friday 13 September 2024

Year 2: Home learning for week 2

For this weeks home learning we would like you to support your child to access some of the online learning platforms. Today we have sent home all of the passwords. These will have the following usernames and passwords (purplemash, accelerated reader, fonetti and numbots) Some of my spelling group will also have SpellingShed on. 

All of these learning platforms can be accessed via pupil links on the school website. 

Purplemash: There are lots of different activities the children can play such as colouring, making their own music and so many more programs. 

Accelerated reader: We will visit the library every week and your child will get an AR book. Once your child has read their AR books (even with your support) they can complete a quiz by logging on to this link and finding the book (there is a label with the book number on the inside) and answering 5 questions about what they have read. Please support your child to complete these. 

Fonetti: A brilliant program that tracks how your child's fluency in reading increases. There are lots of books that your child can read outloud. 

Numbots: A great maths program that will help your child with number recognition. This starts very simple and will ask your child to count how many objects. 

SpellingShed (can be typed into Google): For children on the spelling program. The children play spelling games. 

Please do contact me if any of the usernames or passwords don't work or you have any questions. 

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Year 2: Forest School tomorrow and the week so far!

Just a reminder that the children will have Forest School tomorrow. Please can you bring in wellies and a coat/all in one. The weather tomorrow does look a little better than today but they will still need coats please. 

Thank you to everyone who was able to come the parent information session. Please do listen to the recording if you weren't able to come to the session. If you have any questions feel free to email me. 


This week in English the children have been thinking about what we use water for. Today they all wrote a simple list poem thinking about the sounds and movement of the water. Here is an example of one of the children's poems below: 

The rhythm of the crashing waves

The rushing of the sea against the cliff

The trickling of the brook 

We haven't shared the story with them yet but they are coming out with some amazing writing which has gone up in the writing hall of fame.


In Maths we have started our Power Maths books. So far this week we have been reminding ourselves about counting on from 10 and counting in tens to 100. Over the next couple of days we will be sending home the children's log in for numbots. It would be great if your child could practice this for 10/15 minutes a couple of times a week. This will build up their automaticity of objects in pictures. 


We have been discussing a healthy balanced diet and how we should eat foods in all groups. Today in Science the children had to think about their favourite foods in the four main food groups; carbohydrates, protein, fruit and vegetables and protein. 

In Music we have be learning lots of new songs and learning how to make a pulse. In PSHE we have been thinking about our feelings and how we are feeling. 

๐ŸŒŸMrs Thorpe and the terrific Year 2 team๐ŸŒŸ

Saturday 7 September 2024

Year 2: Week 1✅

Hello everyone

We have had a fantastic couple of days settling in to Year 2. All the children were amazing and we're all very proud! The class worked with Mrs March and the team on Thursday to write our new class charter and yesterday we had a rota of activities to build up their fine motor skills, handwriting and team work by completing some maths team building exercises. 

Home Learning will be set on a Friday and I will blog information about this. Yesterday the children were given a home learning folder. Please can any home learning be returned in this by the following Friday (I will have a box by the door on a Friday). This week it is a simple 'All about me' sheet. Next week we will be giving out new reading records, visiting the library to get new books and also giving the children their passwords for online platforms you can use at home. 

I look forward to seeing you at the Parent information session on Monday 9th at 9am in the staffroom. During this session I will talk through general life in Year 2 and the topics the children will be learning about. If you are unable to make this then do not worry, it will be recorded. 

Sorry about the lack of photos, the ipad has not backed up and so I do not have access to them. I will endeavour to add some photos at the beginning of next week. 

Have a lovely weekend

๐ŸŒŸMrs Thorpe and the Year 2 fabulous team๐ŸŒŸ

Wednesday 4 September 2024

๐ŸŒŸThe Year 2 classroom ๐ŸŒŸ

Good afternoon. I thought I would share some pictures of the classroom for those children that might be a bit anxious about coming back. This is a completely normal feeling to have and we will support them to settle.

 If your child is feeling apprehensive then a quick hug, kiss and 'see you later' at the door works really well. 


Tuesday 3 September 2024

Welcome to Year 2!


We can't wait to see you all on Thursday and hear about your Summer break.

We have a great couple of days planned to get the children settled in to Year 2. As mentioned before the Summer, I (Mrs Thorpe) will not be in the classroom on Thursday as it is my day off, please can you remind your children about this. They will have Mrs March teaching them on Thursday. I will welcome you all in on Friday. I can't wait to get the year started! 

Some information about Year 2: 

Next Monday (9th) I will be doing my parent information session in the staffroom from 9am.

Wednesday afternoons- Forest School, please can you send your child in with named wellingtons and coats you don't mind getting muddy. 

Thursdays will be our PE day, please can you provide your child with a named PE kit.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me or catch me at the door on Friday.

๐ŸŒŸMrs Thorpe, Mrs March, Ms Burgess, Mrs Briant, Mrs Brooker and Mrs Cleaver๐ŸŒŸ