In Forest School this week the children enjoyed the wet weather! They played in the mud and mud kitchen.
Friday, 27 September 2024
Year 2: End of the week
Tuesday, 24 September 2024
Year 2: English, Maths and DT learning so far this week.
Today in English the children were really concerned to see that lots of rubbish had been dumped in the river in Dorchester. Dorset Council has 'asked' us to make a sign to place by the river to stop others from littering. The children are settling into the handwriting sessions and have been brilliant at working through their handwriting booklets, look at the great posture and concentration on these children's faces!
In Maths this week we have been filling numbers on a number line from any number. For example a number starting at 25 going to 35. The children have been having a go at drawing their own number lines.
In DT this afternoon the children were learning how to properly use different equipment for preparing food. We have grating (cheese and cucumber), cutting (strawberries and pepper), snipping (chives and spring onion) and spreading hummus on wraps. Over the next couple of week the children will be designing and preparing the ingredients of their own wraps.
Lastly, please remember it is Forest School tomorrow and it looks like it might be a bit wet! Raincoats and wellies and even all in ones if you have them please.
🌟Mrs Thorpe + the amazing Year 2 team 🌟
Monday, 23 September 2024
Accelerated reader: Year 2
All of the children should have come home with a levelled book on Friday. Apologies, I thought that you had been given about Accelerated Reader (AR) before. I am just going to try and show you what you can do on there. So the books that the children bring home that have an orange sticker on the bottom left corner are the level they are reading. If the children are in my spelling group (have my spellings each week) then they have completed a test to be given this number. Please only read this number. If your child is not in my group (still doing RWI) then they can read books from 2.0 and below and they get free choice on them. Children might also bring home a book with a different coloured label, this book is free choice and not on AR.
How AR works
Once your child has read the story either alone or with you, you can access AR. The red circles on the pictures are where you should click or type something.
To access AR go to our school website and click on this:
If you press on this button then you can see all the books your child has read and what percentage they have received.
Just one more thing, some of your favourite story classics that you read at home with your child might be on AR. If they know a story back to front and inside out because you've had to read it every night then I would encourage you to go onto AR and find the quiz. This does not have to be the stories that the children read but ones your share and they listen to.
📚Mrs Thorpe 📚
Year 2: Week 3
Congratulations to all of our year 2 children that were praised on Friday. We truly do have some amazing mathematicians, writers and caring children in the class.
Last week in DT and in Science the children were choosing meals that show a balance healthy diet. We tried lots of different fruits that had been dried, canned, juiced and fresh. The children were fantastic at tasting these.
In Maths we are still working on our tens and ones and being able to show how many tens and ones are in a number. This week we are looking at number lines and counting in ones and tens on these.
In PE the children have been jumping, swerving and avoiding obstacles. Below are some pictures of the children in their learning.
In Forest School the children played some team games and then were looking at different leaves.