Friday 11 June 2021

Hello Year 2 families,

I have something very exciting to share with you all. This term, our focus is on Kenneth Graham's wonderful story, The Wind and the Willows. Pupils have enjoyed learning all about the adventures of Mole, Ratty, Toad and Badger this week and have produced fantastic The Wind and the Willows themed work in Literacy, Drama and Art this week. I have been so impressed!

The 25th of June will be Year 2's turn for a class assembly. We will perform an extract from The Wind and the Willows; you will have noticed that the children brought a copy of their script home with them today. Please do encourage them to learn their lines as part of their homework tasks over the next few weeks. They will also receive lots of support at school whilst we focus on creating our performance so please ensure that they have their scripts in school every day.

We have been exploring different drama techniques for a number of weeks; some pupils have indicated that they would prefer to have a smaller speaking role which has been reflected in the script. However, all children will participate in various roles during the performance. We can't wait to exhibit their budding acting skills with you all.

To make our performance even more unique, we would like to invite you to watch us at The Borough Gardens (weather permitting, details to follow). We hope that performing in such a wonderful space will enhance pupils' experience and be the perfect setting for this wildlife-filled adventure. For those of you who are unable to get along to the Borough Gardens, rest assured that we will be recording the performance. This will be available to watch later in the day. For those who can come along, you might like to join us for a picnic there too.

After the performance, the class will visit The Shire Hall Museum, where staff may have a few The Wind and Willows secrets up their sleeves for the children to enjoy.

I have included some photos taken in our recent drama lesson where pupils improvised a short scene of Mole and Ratty on the river.

I do hope you can come and watch our performance in a few weeks time.

Have a lovely weekend

Ms Evans and the Year 2 team.

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