Thursday 30 April 2020

Rosa's Riddle Year 2

The children in Year 2 have been asked to create a "riddle" in the same style as mine.
Here is Rosa's lovely work:

What animal am I?
I eat grass and leaves.
My baby is called a calf.
A group of us is called a herd.
I am a mammal, which means I feed my baby milk.
You can make paper out of my poo.
I have big ears.
I can grow up to 3.2m. tall.
Some of us come from Africa and some from India.
I have a trunk.

Can you work out the answer to Rosa's Riddle?

Did you notice how Rosa left the real give-away clue until last?
Please send your riddles to Mr. M if you want them popped onto the blog.
Test your classmates' riddle-solving skills!

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