The children in Year 2 have been asked to create a "riddle" in the same style as mine.
Here is Rosa's lovely work:
What animal am I?
I eat grass and leaves.
My baby is called a calf.
A group of us is called a herd.
I am a mammal, which means I feed my baby milk.
You can make paper out of my poo.
I have big ears.
I can grow up to 3.2m. tall.
Some of us come from Africa and some from India.
I have a trunk.
Can you work out the answer to Rosa's Riddle?
Did you notice how Rosa left the real give-away clue until last?
Please send your riddles to Mr. M if you want them popped onto the blog.
Test your classmates' riddle-solving skills!
Thursday, 30 April 2020
Wednesday, 29 April 2020
Year Two - Writing a Riddle
What animal am I?
I am about 25cm long.
I build a large leafy nest by a tree or wall.
As an adult I live alone.
I can live in the countryside or the town.
I am usually nocturnal.
The cold is my worst enemy, then it’s motor cars.
Animals don’t harm me.
I eat snails, earthworms and insects.
I hibernate so I eat a lot in Autumn.
I am often covered in fleas.
To protect myself I roll into a prickly ball.
Did you work it out?
Here's another one:
What animal am I?
I am very shy.
I am most active at night and mostly rest during the day.
My feet are webbed.
I am a mammal.
My enemy is man and his pollution.
I am a wonderful swimmer.
I can trot and gallop as well.
If you hear a musical whistle it could be me.
To me the tastiest food is eel, trout and salmon,
but I eat other fish, birds, frogs, crayfish, voles and rabbits.
My teeth are incredibly sharp.
I have grey fur covering my slim body.
Here are the answers:
The first one was "Hedgehog".
The second one was "Otter".
Can you see how I revealed the facts about my animal gradually?
I didn't give you the biggest,best clues until nearer the end.
Can you have a go at writing a "riddle" like this?
If you can email your work to me, perhaps I could paste it into a blog like this.
That way other children in Year 2 could have a go at working out...
...the answer to your "riddle"!
Sunday, 19 April 2020
Year Two Summer Term Blog
Hi Year Two,
We hope you had a fantastic Easter break in spite of having to stay home and follow those rules of keeping a distance from people.
Welcome back to a Summer Term with a difference!
Yes, we are still a “Virtual School” for the time being.
Next week will be back to full Virtual School Mode. You will be able to find what we want you to have a go at by looking at the School Website or the Prince of Wales Facebook page. Each day will post a new set activities. Watch out for Mr. Spracklen's Super Assemblies and other events that will be going live throughout each day.
If you have any difficulties with finding this, please get Mum or Dad to contact me (Mr. M) by email
or by phone/text or Messenger - my number : 07540 945844
This Wednesday 22nd April is “Earth Day”. To mark this we would like you to try to send us a picture - either showing something that you have done at home that relates to planting seeds, recycling or reusing materials in a craft project, or a picture that you have created yourself showing something that you love about the Natural World (animals, plants, places).
It would be great if you could persuade Mum or Dad to email your pictures to me.

Thursday 23rd April is Quiz Time. Mr. Spracklen and I are presenting another fantastic and challenging Prince of Wales Quiz.
Remember it’s for parents too. (They get harder questions!)
We will see some of you who are coming to school (with key-worker parents) this week. Mrs. Brooker and I are in at the beginning of the week, Mrs. Thompson and Miss Street in the second half of the week.
But until we see the rest of you, we send you our very best wishes and look forward to hearing from you and seeing what you’ve been up to.
Warm regards,
The Year Two Team - Mr. MacBean, Mrs. Brooker, Mrs. Thompson and Miss Street
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