Monday 3 July 2017

Saferwise - Friday 30th June 2017

An exciting trip to Weymouth's Saferwise centre which is located behind the Fire Station. The children worked through lots of keeping safe activities during the day and were given some top tips too!

1) Looking at fire safety in our homes - we looked at dangerous bedroom, a kitchen and a living room. The children used two puppets to help spot then dangers - all were found and our children were extremely knowledgeable about why these presented as dangers.

The children learned the phrase - STOP! Get out, stay out, phone 999
2) Healthy eating, washing hand and keeping our bodies healthy.
One of our instructors used some gel and UV light to show how even when we think our hands are clean, bacteria is very much there. We all learned how to wash our hands well.
3) Road safety - a fab little vehicle (Range rover!) was available for all the children to drive! Real life road scenes were created and the children learned about all different eventualities and what to do if a ball flies into the road, or crossing at a pelican crossing.

The children were polite, well mannered and listened incredibly well. I was very proud to lead them on this trip.

Well done children!
 Mrs Mewett

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