Sunday, 23 July 2017
Year 2 - Thank you and Goodbye - 23rd July 2017

Thursday, 20 July 2017
Year 2 - Local Food Links School Meals - 20th July 2017

The web address is http://www.localfoodlinks.org.uk/
If you are not sure of your child's personal meal order code and have not already logged on to Local Food Links please call into the office to check your child's details. You will need to complete your order before
Year 2 - Last Day of Term - 20th July 2017
And here we are... the last day of a very busy year.
There has been a great deal of success this year in year 2. Well done to those children who received the awards today, but even more than that well done to everyone, even if you didn't get an award this time. I have been particularly impressed in the last few weeks having made my final assessments of reading and spelling. I am incredibly proud of the whole class as the progress in reading especially has been amazing. On average the children in year 2 have made 25months progress with their reading in just 9 months. I have never seen such progress with a class, so a big well done to everyone, keep enjoying your reading, it really is the most important skill!
We would like to ask the children to bring in a small table top game to play with their friends tomorrow. Nothing too precious and nothing with too many small pieces please.
It is packed lunch day tomorrow, if your child usually has a school dinner a packed lunch will be provided for them, but you are welcome to provide your own if you wish. Let's just hope the weather allows a picnic!
Lastly, but by no means least, thank you parents for being so supportive of your children and their learning over the last year. There is no way that the progress of your children would be so good if you didn't put in the efforts at home as well as what goes on in school. We hope you all have a relaxing and enjoyable summer.
Warm Regards
The Year 2 Team
There has been a great deal of success this year in year 2. Well done to those children who received the awards today, but even more than that well done to everyone, even if you didn't get an award this time. I have been particularly impressed in the last few weeks having made my final assessments of reading and spelling. I am incredibly proud of the whole class as the progress in reading especially has been amazing. On average the children in year 2 have made 25months progress with their reading in just 9 months. I have never seen such progress with a class, so a big well done to everyone, keep enjoying your reading, it really is the most important skill!
We would like to ask the children to bring in a small table top game to play with their friends tomorrow. Nothing too precious and nothing with too many small pieces please.
It is packed lunch day tomorrow, if your child usually has a school dinner a packed lunch will be provided for them, but you are welcome to provide your own if you wish. Let's just hope the weather allows a picnic!
Lastly, but by no means least, thank you parents for being so supportive of your children and their learning over the last year. There is no way that the progress of your children would be so good if you didn't put in the efforts at home as well as what goes on in school. We hope you all have a relaxing and enjoyable summer.
Warm Regards
The Year 2 Team
Thursday, 13 July 2017
Year 2 - Golden Ticket - 13th July 2017
Greetings to you, the
lucky Parents of children in year 2,

Warm Regards
The Year 2 Team
Y2 - Brilliant Behaviour - 13th July 2017
A big well done to all of year 2 for their wonderful and exemplary behaviour on the trip to the Museum yesterday. It was a long way to walk for some of us, but everyone managed beautifully. At the museum the children enjoyed three engaging activities where they found out more about The Jurassic Coast, Dinosaurs and Fossils. At the end of the visit we sang out Last Dinosaur song to the staff at the museum, they were so impressed they said that we must go along and see Dippy when he arrives!
The adults and staff were so impressed that the children earned six marbles for the jar. One more marble and it will be full! We must plan a party!
The adults and staff were so impressed that the children earned six marbles for the jar. One more marble and it will be full! We must plan a party!
Saturday, 8 July 2017
Museum Trip - 8th July for Wednesday 12th July

Wow, What a busy week! - 8th July 2017
We have also been taking part in the Mathletics competition, and on Tuesday most of the children managed to get some points towards their target.
Year 2 have also been working very hard towards their class assembly. I hear they did wonderfully well and are true superheroes!
Monday, 3 July 2017
Saferwise - Friday 30th June 2017
An exciting trip to Weymouth's Saferwise centre which is located behind the Fire Station. The children worked through lots of keeping safe activities during the day and were given some top tips too!
1) Looking at fire safety in our homes - we looked at dangerous bedroom, a kitchen and a living room. The children used two puppets to help spot then dangers - all were found and our children were extremely knowledgeable about why these presented as dangers.
The children learned the phrase - STOP! Get out, stay out, phone 999
2) Healthy eating, washing hand and keeping our bodies healthy.
One of our instructors used some gel and UV light to show how even when we think our hands are clean, bacteria is very much there. We all learned how to wash our hands well.
3) Road safety - a fab little vehicle (Range rover!) was available for all the children to drive! Real life road scenes were created and the children learned about all different eventualities and what to do if a ball flies into the road, or crossing at a pelican crossing.
The children were polite, well mannered and listened incredibly well. I was very proud to lead them on this trip.
Well done children!
Mrs Mewett
1) Looking at fire safety in our homes - we looked at dangerous bedroom, a kitchen and a living room. The children used two puppets to help spot then dangers - all were found and our children were extremely knowledgeable about why these presented as dangers.
The children learned the phrase - STOP! Get out, stay out, phone 999
2) Healthy eating, washing hand and keeping our bodies healthy.
One of our instructors used some gel and UV light to show how even when we think our hands are clean, bacteria is very much there. We all learned how to wash our hands well.
3) Road safety - a fab little vehicle (Range rover!) was available for all the children to drive! Real life road scenes were created and the children learned about all different eventualities and what to do if a ball flies into the road, or crossing at a pelican crossing.
The children were polite, well mannered and listened incredibly well. I was very proud to lead them on this trip.
Well done children!
Mrs Mewett
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