Monday 27 January 2014

Green Sea Turtles and an invitation for Friday!

We have had a brilliant trip today! We all saw so many creatures who live in the oceans around the world.
We went to the Sealife Centre to collect as much information as we could about different animals. We defiantly learnt lots today, which we will be using in our story writing.

Of course the most anticipated animals which we all really wanted to see were the Green Sea Turtles. There were four of them at the centre. Unfortunately they had all been in collisions with speed boats out in Florida. The Sealife Centre rescued them and they are all doing really great!
The abnormalities in their shells are from air bubbles between their skin and the shell, which happened when they were hit by the boats. The keepers at the centre answered all of our questions that we had.
I hope that your child will have lots of other things to tell you about our trip including touching star fish, clapping seals, huge sharks lots and lots of beautiful multi-coloured fish!
Just a quick reminder about the home learning task that we set last week. Thank you so much for the pieces that we have had in already today. I look forward to seeing the rest of them tomorrow/Wednesday. On Friday (31st) everyone is welcome in to our class at 3pm to taste the culinary delights that the children will be cooking with Mrs Webb. The children will be making authentic dishes from Mexico, Canada, China and Italy. I hope that you can make it in. It will also give your child a chance to show you all the exciting things we have been doing to do with Sea Turtles.

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