Last week we completed our numeracy learning about division - as grouping and sharing as well as repeated subtraction. These two weeks work on multiplication and division have propelled us into this weeks numeracy - problem solving where the children need to identify which operation they need to use and, in turn, how they want to calculate the sum - tricky stuff!!!! The words just seem to get in the way!!!!!! We thought carefully about all the vocabulary used with each operation to help us decide what the questions were asking us to do.........well done, you are working very hard!!!!!!
Thank you to Fynn's mum who came in to read the class a story - the children thoroughly enjoyed it! Again, if you would like to come in and read, just drop me a note or catch me in the morning - we would love you to come in!!!!!
I was totally and utterly bowled over by your home learning - outstandingly good learning, creativity, presentation and effort - you should all be tremendously proud of yourselves!!!!! It was so good that we are using it in our science rota - entitled "learning from each other" - All that learning needs to be shared!!!!!!!! When we have displayed it I will blog a picture!
Another well done to ALL of you for your sound/phonics check - you have all improved!!!! Fantastic!!!
Life Ed van today was very exciting too - we showed off our amazing knowledge about the body ( I think we are breeding a class of biologists/future doctors!) We also learned about feelings.
Before I sign off, thank you to those of you who came to the information morning - I have, hopefully managed to add tasks on mathletics and open other levels for mathletics live (any probs please pop in), I also located all the certificates - currently TRYING to print them!!!!!!
Have a rest - swimming on Thursday!!!!!!
Mrs. Johnson