Wednesday 13 June 2012

What did you think of our Soirée?

A big well done to all our performers who did the school proud last night in our annual Summer Musical Soirée! If you missed it, we had Recorders, Guitars, Violins, Drums, a Cello, a Saxophone, a Mystery Guest plus so much more! We also had a group of World Famous Performers (also known as the Prince of Wales School Staff Choir). We would love to know what you thought of the Summer Musical Soirée and welcome your comments using this blog. Simply click the blog title (on the school website) - scroll to the bottom of the page and add text in the field which says: 'Post a comment'. Choose your account type or alternatively click name/url. To publish your post click 'Publish'.

I would like to say a thank-you to everyone who helped to make the evening such a success. Special thanks must go to: Miss. Broodle, Mrs. Staddon, Mrs. Webb, Mrs. Bernard, Mr. Cree, Mr. Thornton, Mrs. Hopkins and Dorchester Middle School for hosting. Mr. Spracklen


  1. Excellent concert, the performers looked as if they really enjoyed the experience.

  2. What a wonderful evening, great performances, even from the teachers :-)
