Tuesday 12 June 2012

Euro 2012 Home Learning Project

As you may, or may not know, Euro 2012 has kicked off in style in Poland and the Ukraine with the first round of group games taking place over the last few days. As a class we will be using the Euros to support our work in Maths and other subjects across the curriculum. 

As with the Rugby World Cup 2011, children in Year 2 have each been given a nation to follow/support during the tournament. Due to the smaller number of teams that take part in a European Championship compared to a Football World Cup each nation will have two pupils following/supporting them. While proving to be great fun, I also hope that this will encourage our pupil’s global awareness and geographical understanding. You will soon receive a letter with this information in as well as details of your child's nation. If you haven't by the end of the week, then please see me or Mrs. Webb. As well as following/supporting their nation, I have encouraged the class to complete some home learning on their nation during the next couple of weeks and will provide an opportunity for pupils to share their learning in a special 'Euro Party Day' on Friday 29th June. In previous years, pupils engaged in similar projects have made posters, booklets or PowerPoint presentations about their country to share with the class. We look forward to seeing all the pupil's home learning projects. Mr. Spracklen on behalf of the Year 2 Team.

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