Wednesday 7 December 2011

Pictograms and line graphs

In our numeracy lessons this week, we have been interpreting data in pictograms and line graphs. I thought you might like a couple more to interpret. This pictogram shows how many stars some Year 2 pupils got in class: Who got the most stars? How many stars did Jim get? How many people got three stars? How many more stars did Jessie get than Skye? How many stars did the pupils get all together? How many pupils got more than 4 stars? How many stars did Vince and Paula get together?

This line graph shows how many cups of tea Mr Hopkins drank last week.

1.       How many cups of tea did Mr Hopkins drink on Monday?
2.       On which day did he drink the most cups of tea?
3.       On which day did he drink the least cups of tea?
4.       Were there any days when he didn’t drink any tea?
5.       How many more cups did he drink on Friday then he did on Tuesday?
6.       On which days did he drink two cups of tea?

Can you think of some more questions you could ask about the pictogram and the line graph? Can you make your own pictogram or line graph? Why not bring them in to show Mr Spracklen, Mrs Webb and Mr Hopkins?

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