Thursday, 27 February 2025

Welcome back to Spring 2!

 It's been so nice to get back into the swing of things this week. The children have settled back into school routines and are working so hard. This week we have been introduced to our new Building Learning Power, Ryker the Responsive Dolphin. The children have learnt about how to be a good listener (face the speaker as model so well below 😀).

In Science this week the children looked at different bulbs and planted them. We will observe over time what happens to the bulbs. They also had to think about what they need to survive and what makes them happy. 

In English we have started our new book 'The Owl and the Pussycat'. The children have been thinking about whether or not they think the two animals can be friends and what they might take on their journey. 

In Maths we have started our new Multiplication and Division topic. This week it is all about groups. 

Lastly, in Forest school all the children learnt how to safely light a fire and were given a safety talk about fire. They made flowers, weaved wool and made some impressive structures. 

Just a reminder that it is our class assembly at 9.15am tomorrow morning. Hopefully we will see lots of you then. 

Saturday, 15 February 2025

Year 2 Last week of Spring 1: Making baby bear's chair, stretching and some drama!

 We have had a very busy last week of term. In DT the children have been testing out the best way to make chairs. They made cylinders and tested their strength. They then worked either in groups or individually to make a chair for baby bear. On Friday afternoon we went down to the Reception classroom to test these out! Reception have been learning about Goldilocks and the Three Bears so this linked really well. The children were able to understand how engineers have to work on their designs and make improvements. The showed great resilience!

In PE the children have had a term of ball skills.
In Forest school the children were learning about the moon and the special moon that occured this week. I wonder if they can remember any of the facts? 

In Science the children had a three part lesson. Firstly they set up and observation overtime. They needed to see what happened to the foam soap. This is fascinating to watch. 

Then the children needed to find the best material for Incredibles to wear

And finally the children learnt more about waterproof and tested out how to make paper waterproof using wax crayons. 

The children finished off yesterday by visiting the library and listening to the audio headsets to participate in some drama related to our Geography topic of the UK. 

Home learning for the half term: We have sent home the assembly lines, please can you help your child to learn these as best as they can. I will be there to support them with lines during the assembly. Some children also have spellings. 

We hope you have an amazing half term and we will see you on Tuesday 25th February. Our assembly is on the 'break the rules day' on Friday 28th February at 9.15am. 

🌟Mrs Thorpe, Mrs Burgess, Mrs Briant, Miss Cleaver, Mrs March and Mrs Brooker🌟

Friday, 7 February 2025

Week 5: Home learning, pictures, Science and ice cream!

 We have had a fantastic day today, starting with our very own ice cream shop!


The children had a menu with prices on, they had to choose a flavour ice cream, whether they would like a flake and the topping. Then on their sheet they need to write the sum for their ice cream and draw the coins they would use. Once this was complete they could visit the ice cream shop with their money (plastic money) and buy their very own ice cream. This was obviously loved by all! 

Homel earning this week is to dig out those money boxes and get your child counting the coins please. If you have access to and can play this game then this would also help with consolidating our learning on money.

Here are the pictures from Science that I promised earlier in the week:

Things coming up to be aware of:
  • Monday 10th February we will be watching Year 4 perform The Tempest in the school hall. 
  • Tuesday is safer internet day so we will be talking about how to stay safe online. When we have PSHE lessons we talk about this and playing safe games that are age appropriate. Roblox and Fortnite are both 13 + and have some very unsettling material on them. 
  • Thursday 13th- Disco after school
  • Friday 14th is our last day before the half term 
After half term:
  • Come back to school on Tuesday 25th Feb
  • Our class assembly will be on Friday 28th 9.15am in the school hall this also coincides with break the rules day at school (email sent to you about this) 
  • Thursday 6th March- World Book Day 
  • Friday 14th March Non School uniform day for POWSA Easter bingo
  • Friday 21st March- Red Nose Day (wear something red) 
  • Friday 4th April- Last day of half term 

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Thorpe, Mrs Burgess, Mrs Briant, Miss Cleaver and Mrs March 💗