Tuesday 9 July 2024

RSE lesson and trip reminder

Hi all, hope you are well!

Just a quick blog to let you know Year 2 had their RSE (relationships and sex education) lesson today. This lesson focussed on body parts and which parts make a male and female different. We did talk about private parts and how these differ in different sexes. We also explored how both males and females have seeds (eggs and sperm), that join together to create a baby. Children were questioning how the sperm and egg come together and how babies were made. This is not something that we cover in Year 2, so there may be some questions about this. Please answer these questions how you see fit. If you need any support with this, please email me. 

Tomorrow is also our trip to Swanage on the steam train. Children can come into school in football kits or red and white clothing. Children will have high-vis jackets on. Please can you also send in a snack, water bottle and packed lunch. We will have fruit available, however, we would encourage children to bring in their own snack too.

Any questions, please email me.

See you all tomorrow!

Miss White 

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