Monday 22 July 2024


 Wow, we are all so overwhelmed with the end of year gifts! Thank you so so much for all of the thought you put into them. We are all so extremely grateful.

This year has been one that we will never forget. Your children are true superstars and we are so incredibly proud of each and every one of them. We will miss them a lot, but we know they will have the best time in Year 3. Also, thank you all for your support during this year. It's been a blast!

Have the best summer holidays!

Miss White, Mrs Bernard, Mrs Burgess and Mrs Thomas


Thursday 18 July 2024

Last day of Year 2 and train trip!

Firstly we want to say that we cannot believe it is our last day in Year 2 tomorrow. We have had the most incredible year with the most incredible children. Every day has been full of fun, laughter and lots of learning. Each child has made us proud every day, and we wish them all good luck in Year 3. Thank you all for your support!

Yesterday we had such a good trip! Children absolutely loved it, and we are sure their favourite bit was eating chips and having an ice cream. Thank you to those who volunteered to come and help.

Tomorrow we will be watching the Year 4's leavers assembly. It is looking like it is going to be a hot and sunny day. Please can you send your child in with a sun hat, sun cream on and a water bottle. Also, every child needs a packed lunch as we will be eating together in the classroom.

See you all tomorrow for our last day together in Year 2 (trust us, Miss White will cry!)

Thank you once again!

Miss White, Mrs Bernard, Mrs Burgess and Mrs Thomas


Tuesday 16 July 2024

Year 2 - Train trip tomorrow

Hi everyone!

I've had a few questions about tomorrow's trip, so I thought it would be best to write a blog.

All children will be meeting at Dorchester South at 9am. If your child attends breakfast club, alternative provision has been made. We will have a train safety talk, and then hop on the train and go to Weymouth. Once in Weymouth we will be walking to the beach where children will have time to explore. We have pre ordered chips to pick up at lunchtime. If your child does not want chips please send in a packed lunch. After lunch we will be getting an ice-cream (if children want one), and then walking back to the train to come back to Dorchester. We will then be walking back to school in time for families to collect. 

Please can you ensure all children have a water bottle and a snack. If the weather is sunny, please apply sun cream and send children in with sun hats. 

Children do need to wear their school tops with our logo on, however, they can wear trousers/shorts and shoes of their choice, as long as they are suitable for walking and the beach. 

Any questions, please email me!

Miss White 

Thursday 11 July 2024

Steam train trip!

Hi everyone! Our trip yesterday on the steam train was AMAZING!!! All children represented the school incredibly well and we had such a fun filled day. I think the pictures speak for  themselves!! 

#InspiredToLearn #GreatestSchoolOnEarth

Tuesday 9 July 2024

RSE lesson and trip reminder

Hi all, hope you are well!

Just a quick blog to let you know Year 2 had their RSE (relationships and sex education) lesson today. This lesson focussed on body parts and which parts make a male and female different. We did talk about private parts and how these differ in different sexes. We also explored how both males and females have seeds (eggs and sperm), that join together to create a baby. Children were questioning how the sperm and egg come together and how babies were made. This is not something that we cover in Year 2, so there may be some questions about this. Please answer these questions how you see fit. If you need any support with this, please email me. 

Tomorrow is also our trip to Swanage on the steam train. Children can come into school in football kits or red and white clothing. Children will have high-vis jackets on. Please can you also send in a snack, water bottle and packed lunch. We will have fruit available, however, we would encourage children to bring in their own snack too.

Any questions, please email me.

See you all tomorrow!

Miss White 

Sunday 7 July 2024

Year 2 and our upcoming week

Hi everyone! We hope you have had a great weekend. We are looking forward to another fun filled week in Year 2. We cannot believe we have 2 weeks left!

Sports day last week was an amazing success. All children really enjoyed the day and thank you to everyone who came to support. Dance day was also so much fun. Children loved learning an african dance and showing it to the rest of the school.

Next week we have our trip on the steam train. If you have not already given permission or paid for this trip please can you do this as soon as possible. Also, if you have not already brought in £3 for our trip to Weymouth please can you do this sometime next week.

In Maths we will be starting a new unit statistics. This will be our final unit in Year 2. In English we will be continuing with our book 'Lizzy and the Cloud'. Children really enjoyed this book last week. In Science we will be continuing with our topic of living things and their habitats.

Wednesday is a non-school uniform day (red, white or blue/football kits) in support for our Men's England football team reaching the semi-finals. Children can come on the trip wearing these clothes. We will ensure all children have a high-vis during this trip.

Any questions, please email.

Miss White, Mrs Bernard, Mrs Burgess and Mrs Thomas

Monday 1 July 2024

Sports day and volunteers for the trip

 Hi everyone!

Just a reminder that is it Sports Day tomorrow! Please can you ensure all children have their PE kits in school. If your child has a sun hat please send that in and ensure they have sun cream on. This can be applied in the morning before coming to school, or send it in their bag and they can put it on before Sports Day. Please can you also ensure your child comes into school with a water bottle. Sports day starts at 10:15 and will finish at 11:45. We look forward to seeing you there!

Also, we are looking for volunteers to join us on our steam train trip on Wednesday 10th July. If you would like to volunteer please can you let me know by the end of the day on Wednesday 3rd July. I can give you more details about this trip once you let me know you want to volunteer. 

Any questions, please email me.

See you tomorrow!

Miss White