Sunday 16 June 2024

Year 2 - Week 2

Hi everyone! We hope you have had a super weekend!

This week we started our Secret Agent Training AKA SATS and all children have been absolutely amazing!! We have been so incredibly proud of how they have approached this. We will be continuing with this next week. 

This week we were lucky enough to help again with the building of the roundhouse. Children absolutely loved getting dirty and helping with this! We also had a Dogs Trust workshop and assembly which children enjoyed.

As SATS have taken up a chunk of our week, here are some pictures below of the other things children have taken part in. Including Science, gardening and DT. 

We have been continuing with our book in English - Last stop on Market Street. This week we have looked at the themes of the story such as charity, gratitude and love. We will be continuing with this book next week.

Again children were super at swimming and show so much enjoyment in going each week.

See you all tomorrow!

Miss White, Mrs Bernard, Mrs Burgess and Mrs Thomas

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