Sunday 12 May 2024

Year 2 - Week 4

Hi everyone, we hope you have enjoyed the sunny weather this weekend!

We want to start this blog by saying a huge WELL DONE to all of Year 2 for a super assembly! It was amazing to see how far they have come and how confident they are. Thank you to all who came to watch.

Last week we had a busy week in Year 2. We enjoyed a cricket input, that the children loved and also a wessex music roadshow assembly. I'm sure the children have told you all about these events. We started our topic of time in Maths and this will be continuing next week. Due to assembly practice we did not start our new book in English, however, we will be starting this from tomorrow. In Science we planted sweet pea seeds and will be observing their growth. 

On Tuesday all children will be helping to build our new roundhouse. Please could children come to school in outdoor clothing suitable for the weather (forecast is currently rainy). Sturdy shoes are preferable to ensure safety during the workshop and clothes usually worn for forest school activities that you don't mind getting dirty. Children should also bring their school uniforms, school shoes and also socks or tights to get changed into after.

Any questions, please let us know.

See you tomorrow!

Miss White, Mrs Bernard, Mrs Burgess and Mrs Thomas

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