Hello there Year Two!
How's it going? I hope that you have had a happy and successful day with our online learning.
Today I have been at school with 8 children from the class and we have been working on the same online work too. I think it's fair to say that it went very well!
The Maths sessions about Pictograms and Handling Data was interesting and engaging, the English lesson about "The Unlucky Man" was fun and entertaining, - but my favourite lesson of the day was the Science in the afternoon. Wow, wasn't Katherine Johnson an awesome lady! Do you know, I had never heard of Katherine Johnson before today's lesson. She truly does deserve to be celebrated for her awesome achievements.
Thank you to those of you who have sent me pictures of your work. It's been great to see how you are getting on.
For anyone who struggled to get thing going today, here's a quick reminder of what you need to do.
On the front page of the school website click on "Distant Learning" (it's at the bottom.) - Then click on "Year Two Level" (it has a square next to it.) - Next click on the middle of this page over the bit that says "STARPACK #InspiredToLearn Lockdown 2 Learn" - Scroll down to the "Suggested Timetable"; this sets out the learning for each day. The underlined bits are hyperlinks and by clicking on these you will be taken to the different lessons for the day. They have fantastic teachers who will introduce themselves and talk you through the lesson. Don't forget to pause the video if you need to (if you need to get things, or you need the loo for example). Once you get the hang of it, it's really very easy.
Well done and Thank you to Mr. Spracklen for sorting this out for us!
If you are unable to find your usernames/ passwords card that we sent home last term, please get Mum, Dad (or yourself) to email me. I can send this to you by email. (You do NOT need these for the school's online lessons resources; - no password needed here, - but you will need them for the extra learning portals like Mathletics, Timetable Rockstars and Accelerated Reader.)
My email address - d.macbean@princeofwales.dorset.sch.uk
Keep having fun with your learning.... and...keep in touch,
Mr. M.