Sunday, 31 May 2020

Year 2 Home Learners and Key-Worker Children

Hello there Year Two,
adorable-sunshine-images-clip-art-free-sun-black-and-white-clipart ...
I hope you are all well and have enjoyed your half-term break.
We've certainly been blessed with some lovely weather.
Next week sees the start of a new half-term of learning.
Learning From Home
For the majority of you who are still learning from home, there will be more daily learning posted on the Virtual School, with Assemblies and other engaging interaction throughout the day.
Power Maths, Reading/Spelling and Learning Challenges will be set each day.
(Those of you who are in my Reading/Spelling group should be aware we are finishing our Harry Potter adventure and starting on "James and the Giant Peach" on Tuesday.)
Please keep letting me know how you are getting on (via emails/ Messenger/WhatsApp etc)
Key-Worker Children
We have a good number of children in Y2 who are coming into school as children of Key Workers.
I will not be working with you at school as I am working with half of the Y1 Class who do start back next week. However, I would like to remind you that you need to make sure you bring a hat, suncream and drinks bottles - all labelled please. You will also need your Power Maths book 2C and your RWI Spelling book 2B (if your group has not yet finished this).

Can I also remind you about completing your "Reflections of Year Two" and emailing these to me.
Many thanks to those of you who have already done so.
Warm regards,
Your Year Two Teacher, Mr. M

Thursday, 28 May 2020

Chalk Rainbow | Chalk drawings with Abi :) | Miakosamuio | Flickr
Hello there,
Quick reminder about "Children's Reflections of Year Two".

We would like to include your thoughts / memories / reflections in your Annual Report this year.
This might include writing about your favourite lessons, topics, events like themed weeks, assemblies, performances, dressing-up days (lots of those) trips etc.

This is something that we would normal do at school, but sadly not this year.
It would be great if you could email me your writing. (That way I can "cut-and-paste" it onto the right page on your report. )
Thank you to those folks who have already sent this to me.
A reminder of my email -
Many thanks,
Mr. M

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Year Two - Reflections on Year Two

Can you write some of your thoughts / memories / reflections of your time in Year Two?
We would like to include your thoughts / memories / reflections in your Annual Report this year.
This might include writing about your favourite lessons, topics, events like themed weeks, assemblies, performances, dressing-up days (lots of those) trips etc.
This is something that we would normal do at school, but sadly not this year.
It would be great if you could email me your writing. (That way I can "cut-and-paste" it onto the right page on your report. )
A reminder of my email -
Many thanks,
Mr. M

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Year Two - Food Chains

Add caption
Here is an example of a Food Chain. It shows how the grasshopper eats the grass and is then eaten by the toad, which is in turn eaten by the snake which is eaten by the hawk. When the hawk dies its body provides nutrients for fungus as it decays. Can you create a Food Chain showing some different animals?

Friday, 1 May 2020

Oscar's Fabulous Three (!) Riddles - Year Two

What am I?
I have 4 legs.
I have a tail.
I can be different colours.
I wander around streets and gardens.
I can jump 8 feet high.
I am often a pet.
I like to chase mice and birds.
I have whiskers.
What am I?

(Answer at the end.)

What am I?
I am short or long.
I am very strong.
I often have a bed.
I have a very important job.
You can see me in town and all around.
I have a break every 4 and half hours.
I have lots of wheels.
Oscar's Dad drives one!
What am I?

(Answer at the end.)

What am I?
I can be hundreds of years old.
I like to wave at you.
I change colour.
I'm good to climb on.
I have a trunk.
I am green and brown (usually).
I have leaves.
What am I?

Oscar's answers :
1. cat    2. lorry    3. tree


Jessica's Riddle - Year 2

Well done Jessica for sending in this lovely tricky riddle.

What am I?
I like to be on my own.
I have a lot in common with cats.
I use the Earth's magnetic field.
I am a good parent.
I am playful.
I make 40 different sounds.
I can run 45 miles per hour.
I eat small rodents, small mammals, vegetation and birds.
What am I?

Anna's Riddle - Year Two

Well done Anna!
And thank you for sending us your FANTASTIC RIDDLE
What am I ?

I sleep on my feet in a herd
I eat grass
I am black and white 
I live in a group called a Dazzle
I am a mammal and my babies are called foals
I am found in Africa
I run from side to side when being chased by a predator
I am camouflaged with a barcode
My closest relatives are horses and donkeys

What am I ?