Monday, 26 February 2018
Year 2 - Dorchester Market Trip - 26th February 2018

Year 2 - Parent's Evenings - 26th February 2018
Friday, 23 February 2018
Year 2 - Spellings - 23rd February 2018
This week Red and Orange groups are looking at homophones, words that sound the same but mean different things. You will need to learn the meaning as well as the spelling:
Yellow and Green group will be revising the "air" sound:
Yellow and Green group will be revising the "air" sound:
Year 2 - Homelearning and World Book Day - 23rd February 2018
In preparation for World Book Day, this
Thursday 1st March I would like you to choose one of these
megatastic reading challenges as well as put the final touches to your costume
to wear on the day!
Take a picture of you reading in the most extreme places, bring it in or
email it to me on the address given on the home learning sheet.
How many books can you read in a weekend? Make a list of your reading titles.
4. Complete
the book review about your favourite book.
Build your fluency. Set a timer
for 1 minute. How many words can you
read before the time runs out. Record
your total and bring it in to school.
week as well as superhero points I have special World Book Day stickers for the
children who return their home learning
Year 2 - Market Trip - 23rd February 2018 for Wednesday 28th February

The weather forcast says that it is going to be very cold this week. If the weather is too cold we will not be going and we will postpone the trip to next Wednesday 7th March. Please provide your child with warm clothing, hats, gloves, coats and scarves through next week to ensure they are warm enough when they go outside.
Year 2 - Maths Learning - Week Beginning 19th February 2018

Year 2 - Literacy Learning - Week Beginning 19th February
This week the children have been taking part in a collaborative writing competition. The children have been challenged to write a superhero story. They started the week by designing and describing their superhero and thinking about where the story would take place. Then everyone worked together to plan a beginning, middle and end. There were some fantastic and creative ideas here. On Wednesday the children were able to write their stories either independently or by supporting each other. We have ended up with some super stories. Well done year 2!
Year 2 - Back and Ready to Roll - 23rd February 2018
What a super start to Spring term 2! The children have come back refreshed and ready for the next learning challenges. We have had a slight change to the timetable this term due to the timings of our PE lessons with our specialist PE teachers. Each morning is largely the same: Literacy, Phonics, Maths and Reading (not always in that order). Then in the afternoons: Monday - Humanities/Science; Tuesday - Art/DT; Wednesday - PE and PHSE (Jigsaw); Thursday - RE and Reading (PE comes before Lunch); Friday - Music and Golden Time.
Friday, 9 February 2018
Year 2 - Award Trophies - 9th February 2018
A very big well done to:
Indi-Rose - Music Award, Jasper - Sports Award, Samantha - Creative Arts, Caitlin - Star Reader, Stephen - Maths Award, Kurtis - Farrington Award, Imogen - ICT Award and ??? - Literacy Award (It's still a secret, to be revealed next half term)
All thoroughly deserved throughout this half term.
As you may know from previous blogs we have had trouble locating 3 of our award trophies. We have ordered new ones, but they are taking a while as we found it difficult to match the trophies exactly and get them engraved.
For all of those children who have missed out we are truly sorry. We will ensure that they have a super picture of themselves with their trophy which we will laminate and frame as soon as the trophies arrive. The current holders will then get to take the trophy home for the remainder of the half term. We know that this is not ideal and would ask all of the lucky winners of the trophies to take really good care of them and return them by the end of the half term so that nobody else misses out.

All thoroughly deserved throughout this half term.
As you may know from previous blogs we have had trouble locating 3 of our award trophies. We have ordered new ones, but they are taking a while as we found it difficult to match the trophies exactly and get them engraved.
For all of those children who have missed out we are truly sorry. We will ensure that they have a super picture of themselves with their trophy which we will laminate and frame as soon as the trophies arrive. The current holders will then get to take the trophy home for the remainder of the half term. We know that this is not ideal and would ask all of the lucky winners of the trophies to take really good care of them and return them by the end of the half term so that nobody else misses out.
Year 2 - Spelling and Homelearning - 9th February 2018

Y2 - Science Week Success - 9th February 2018

Friday, 2 February 2018
Year 2 - Maths Learning - Week beginning 29th January 2018

Year 2 - Literacy Learning - Week Beginning 29th January
This week we have been preparing for the Big Write 3. This time we wrote a story from the plans you wrote together at home last week. The children tried to maintain their best handwriting and use the ideas they generated at home to write a fun and interesting adventure story. There were lots of really good pieces of writing. I have really enjoyed reading the Magic Key stories and we will continue to improve them using Purple Pens. Some children have still got more to write!
Year 2 - Spellings - 2nd February 2018
Year 2 - Award Trophies - 2nd February 2018

Sadly over the last 18 months we have lost 3 of our year 2 trophies. Replacements for these have been ordered and we are waiting their arrival. Our sincere apologies if your child has been awarded one of these trophies, but has not been able to display it at home as it has not been returned. As soon as the new ones arrive we will ensure that all of the winners have their photos taken with the trophies so that they have a reminder of their achievements.
Year 2 - Homelearning and Science Week - 2nd February 2018
Year 2 - Home
Learning – 2nd February 2018
Next week is
Science Week and we have some exciting learning to look forward to.
Mrs Thorpe has set
everyone a learning challenge and I would like you to have a go for home
learning. All of your learning will be
displayed in our Science fair next Wednesday 7th February.

Please bring your
entry in by Wednesday 7th February.
Also a quick
reminder that Wednesday 7th February is a dress up day. Come to school as a scientist for the
day! Any kind of scientist will do so
think outside the box!
Looking forward to
a week of inspired learning!
Year 2 - Birding with Mr and Mrs Farrington - 2nd February 2018
We have had a fantastic afternoon on Tuesday as we had Mr + Mrs
Farrington in to help us with the Great British Bird Watch. Mr and Mrs Farrington are keen birdwatchers and volunteers with the RSPB. In
groups the children went out with binoculars to see what birds they
could spot. They saw a lot of different species from robins, blue tits
and green finches. Mr Allen and Sam even spotted a Coal Tit! Well done year 2 for taking part in the bird watch and many thanks to Mr and Mrs Farrington for sharing your expertise!
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