Friday 16 September 2016

Y2 Maths Learning - Week Beginning 12th September

This week in maths we have been looking at the value of number.  We have looked at two digit numbers to identify which digit is the tens digit and which is the ones.  We have built numbers, compared them as well as counting in steps of 2, 3, 5 and 10.  Most children are very confident with this and it will be a useful skill when we move on to addition and subtraction in the coming weeks.  If your child is less confident with this, work with numbers up to 20 and try to get them to put them in order, count quantities, group things like straws in 10s with an elastic band to show that 10 and 1 make 11, 10 and 2 make 12 and so on.  When they become confident move to numbers to 30.

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