Monday, 26 September 2016

Y2 - Some dates for your diary - 26th September 2016

A few dates that weren't published on the newsletter:
Class Assembly: Friday 11th November 9:20am in the school hall.
Trip to Maiden Castle Farm:  Thursday 20th October in the morning.
Trip to Priest House Museum: Hopefully Monday 5th December TBC (Please dress in Victorian Costume) - Letter will contain more details.
India Day - Wednesday 19th October - (Please Dress in Indian Costume - we have spare if you are stuck) and join us for our Indian Restaurant from 3pm.
Harvest, Food and Farming Week - Beginning 3rd October until 7th October.
Harvest Festival - Friday 7th October.
Each event will have a letter to give you more detail of what will be happening and what you might need.  Sounds like we've got some exciting times ahead!

Y2 Maths Learning - Week Beginning 19th September

This week we have been using our knowledge of place value to add two digit numbers.  We have used 10s and 1s to make the numbers and then added our tens and ones together.  Some children have begun to write this as a vertical sum.  Next week we will be looking at what happens when the ones add up to more than 10.  Have you been using Mathletics at home?  There are some good addition activities to practice these skills.

Y2 Spellings - 23rd September 2016

Spellings this week are as follows:
Red: hitting, putting, jumping, standing, joking, sliding
Orange: read, treat, least, money, honey, donkey
Yellow and Green: sea, seat, meat, read, treat, least
These spelling all link to the ea / ey sound or the ing suffix, we are learning about both in class this week. 

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Sunday 25th September 2016 Literacy links for all!

Sunday 25th September 2016 Literacy links for all!

If you would like some literacy based activities or ideas that you can do together with your child at home why not try this website.
Either google the National Literacy Trust and access the parents/families section or search

Have fun exploring!

Mrs. Johnson

Yr 2 Praise assembly week ending 24th September 2016

Another packed week of learning from Year 2!

This week in 'Praise assembly' the following children were mentioned:

Leo - fantastic home learning to do with finding a Victorian coin!
Super citizenship skills being shown - Reece and Thomas G
Maths - super work on addition skills - Sophie, George, Jack C and Bradley
Super energy and attention through music - Inzi and Isabelle
Euan - Home learning of spellings with superb quality of handwriting!
Jasmine and Alfie - in class, writing about an Indian village of Chembakolli, both produced super writing, in sentences and using super handwriting skills too.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Y2 Home Learning - 23rd September 2016

To support the children in their understanding of two digit numbers they will be bringing home two sheets of arrow cards this weekend.  If you cut these out, the single digit numbers can be placed over the tens numbers to make two digit numbers if you line up the triangle at the end of the numbers.  You could start by seeing if the children can name the numbers that they create or make a number that you give them.  Then move on to asking if they can make a larger or smaller number.  Make several numbers and put them in order.  Constantly ask which is the tens digit and which is the ones.  A sound knowledge of the value of numbers will mean that your child will latch onto concepts of addition and subtraction much more easily and have a deeper understanding of them.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

This Friday 23rd September is "Scoot to School Day".

This Friday 23rd September is "Scoot to School Day".

Our SUSTRANS cycling officer, Jonathan Dixon, is running a "Scoot to School Day" and we are encouraging as many children as possible to come to school on their scooters.
We will be counting the scooters and sending our tally to Jonathan to contribute to his South Dorset challenge.

Friday, 16 September 2016

Y2 Spellings - Friday 16th September

Apologies that these spellings were not handed out this Friday, they will be given out on Monday, but just in case you want to get a head start...
Red Phonics: worry, worried, cycle, cycled, slip, slipped
Orange Phonics: shine, like, fright, mighty, cries, flies
Yellow and Green Phonics: line, dive, night, light, pie, cries
Don't worry if you don't know which group your child is in as they will bring the correct list home on Monday.

Y2 Maths Learning - Week Beginning 12th September

This week in maths we have been looking at the value of number.  We have looked at two digit numbers to identify which digit is the tens digit and which is the ones.  We have built numbers, compared them as well as counting in steps of 2, 3, 5 and 10.  Most children are very confident with this and it will be a useful skill when we move on to addition and subtraction in the coming weeks.  If your child is less confident with this, work with numbers up to 20 and try to get them to put them in order, count quantities, group things like straws in 10s with an elastic band to show that 10 and 1 make 11, 10 and 2 make 12 and so on.  When they become confident move to numbers to 30.

Y2 Literacy Learning - Week Beginning 12th September

This week in year 2 we have been using our superhero Dr Punctuation to build sentences which have capital letters and full stops and that make sense.  We have concentrated on our India theme to write factual sentences about what we have found out about India.  At home you could find out more things about India, bring them in and share with the class for extra Superhero points.

Yr 2 week ending 16th September 2016

Second week in and we are so impressed with the children's attitudes to learning and their concentration levels, carrying on an excellent start to Year 2!
Spelling results were very good today, a couple mentioned that they had not practised. It is really important for them to look at them leading up to the check on a Friday. The children do love getting their results back, however this can be a negative impact if a child is not feeling that they are doing well. We will gladly let you see your child's spelling book when you come in, please do ask.

Praise assembly:

George, Sophie and Harry N - were highlighted this week for super maths skills in understanding partitioning two digit numbers in maths! Well done!

Clark - writing sentences in his India book of high standard!

Nell - making a big effort in home learning ,lots of writing practice too!

Jack C - a fantastic consistent style of handwriting through his work. Also a super attitude to work!

Lastly #apologyspellings

We do apologise as spellings were not given out today, they will come out on Monday next week. Sorry.

Sunday, 11 September 2016

Year 2 Parent Information Session - Wednesday 14th September

Please come along and find out more about what year 2 will be learning about this term and ask any questions you may have.  9am-9.30am on Wednesday 14th September in the school hall.

Saturday, 10 September 2016

Yr 2 Praise assembly week ending 9/9/16

We are so proud of the children and their amazing attitude to learning this week. There is no doubt that coming back after a long break tests the endurance but every child has given it their very best this week and we have seen already so much good learning take place.

All the class were praised in assembly today for their attitude. Well done Yr 2!

Individual children praised this week are:

Nell - focus within her maths group work, tricky concept to learn, stayed focussed and gave it everything!
Evie - super ICT skills were used and demonstrated this week in ICT. Helping others by explaining how to save using the correct language was impressive too!
Rubi, Isabelle and James Hiscock - during music lesson each created a super dance sequence as asked to a piece of music. They created their own moves and then were able to perform this to the class with real musicality and rhythm, well done!

Friday, 9 September 2016

Year 2 Spelling - 9th September 2016

This week the children will have brought home a spelling list to learn for next Thursday.  Each list contains about 6 or 7 spellings that link to the children's phonics learning next week.  Please work with your child to  learn these spellings at home.  Fun ways are usually the best, coming up with rhymes, phrases or spotting patterns in words will help and why not jumble up post its with letters on to try and unscramble the sounds?  Your child will be rewarded for any practice they do at home and bring in to school to show and for their achievement when the spellings are checked next Friday.  Spellings this week are:
Red group: play, played, laugh, laughed, climb, climbed
Orange group: spray, delay, cloud, sound, snake, game
Yellow and Green group: play, tray, found, round, make, game
Individual spellings have gone home with some children.

Monday, 5 September 2016

New Reading Record

This year we are using a new style reading record booklet.  This is designed to be a place to write down all of the reading that children do at school at home.  There is space for the date, title and comments about your child’s reading.  There are also stars for the children to rate their books when they have finished reading them.  In the centre of the book you will find helpful pages of sounds and words your child will be learning as the year progresses.  This booklet is a valuable record of your child’s achievement in reading and as a communication about your child’s reading with the year 2 team.  Please try and read with your child every day, no matter what their ability and make a brief note in the book.  The year 2 team will also be commenting each time your child reads at school.

A super start

Well done to our new year 2 class who demonstrated excellent behaviour and superhero learning during their first day in a new class.  We are looking forward to more fun days over the coming weeks.  Please take time to look at your child's new Reading Record in their book bags, this replaces the old home school reading diary and acts as a place where you can write down all of your child's reading and achievements in reading.

Welcome to year 2

Are you ready for an exciting year!  Put on your superhero cape and mask as we get learning in year 2.  We hope you have all had a fun filled and sunny holiday!

The year 2 team:  Miss Johnson, Mrs Mewett, Mrs Webb, Mrs Brooker, Mrs Horne and Mrs Smith