Saturday 23 April 2016

Praise assembly 22nd April 2016

We joined the whole school yesterday for the start of term for our first praise assembly together. We normally meet with Reception and Year 1 so this was nice to see what the older children are doing within their learning and topics.

Specific assembly 'praise' this week goes to:

* Rosa - for super attitude to learning, conducting herself around the classroom and for following up her learning outside of the classroom. A super role model to others.
* Scarlett - for working super well within maths this week. Absorbed in her learning, not allowing others to distract and producing super outcomes!
* Poppy - Absorbed in her learning this week, trying hard when given questions to tackle.
* Charlotte - Super handwriting which has progressed well this year and being applied in all work.
* Amalia - super handwriting, a super level of progress since beginning of the year.
* Noah - great contributions to grammar work this week
* Erica - great contributions to grammar work this week
* Finley - super contributions to lessons this week, offering thoughtful answers to learning.

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