Firstly, well done to all children who have brought in some of the time 'Home learning' which was sent out last week - super practice, also a super area to be practising outside of school with family members as much as possible!
Finally, the children have been designing and writing instructions for a special sweet made in the factory of Mr Willy Wonker! Ask them about their sweet, they could make it for you?!
In Praise assembly today the following were praised:
Andrew - Improving his handwriting, writing more in the time given,
confidence in maths and always with a big smile on his face!
William - For managing distractions really well, trying hard to settle down and focus upon learning
Emily - Focussing well on her learning
Oona - Caring caterpillar. Oona has been very caring of others, cheering them up when they are down.

Henry - Super effort with his instruction writing. Very focussed!
Edward - Increased efforts in managing distractions and settling down to learning and remaining focussed.
Julian Donaldson reading group - All for reading aloud with fluency and confidence - well done, progress is being seen from all of you!