Friday, 29 April 2016

Praise assembly 29th April, 2016

A super week, full of children trying their very best to get absorbed in their work, stay on task, managing distractions and of course completing some super learning too!
Firstly, well done to all children who have brought in some of the time 'Home learning' which was sent out last week - super practice, also a super area to be practising outside of school with family members as much as possible!
Finally, the children have been designing and writing instructions for a special sweet made in the factory of Mr Willy Wonker! Ask them about their sweet,  they could make it for you?!

In Praise assembly today the following were praised:

Andrew - Improving his handwriting, writing more in the time given,
confidence in maths and always with a big smile on his face!
William  - For managing distractions really well, trying hard to settle down and focus upon learning
Emily - Focussing well on her learning
 Oona - Caring caterpillar. Oona has been very caring of others, cheering them up when they are down. 

Shape group: Fantastic work from this group, good knowledge of times table facts and using them to calculate division facts.
Henry -  Super effort with his instruction writing. Very focussed!
Edward - Increased efforts in managing distractions and settling down to learning and remaining focussed.
 Julian Donaldson reading group - All for reading aloud with fluency and confidence - well done, progress is being seen from all of you! 

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Dr Bike Tomorrow

- Quick reminder that Jonathan Dixon, our helpful and friendly SUSTRANS officer, is in school tomorrow offering to give your bicycles a quick service. All the more reason to cycle to school and win us points for the BIG PEDAL

Monday, 25 April 2016

Literacy Learning - Week Beginning 18th April

This week we have started reading one of our favourite books - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl.  This week we have been asking and answering questions about the first 6 chapters of the book!  I have to say lots of children know this story very well, but are still really enjoying discussing it in more depth!  Next week we are looking at how adjectives can be used to describe characters, see if you can spot any describing words at home!

Maths Learning - Week Beginning 18th April

This week we have been looking at addition and subtraction.  The children have been using various equipment to help them add and subtract 2 digit numbers.  This is reliant on children being able to differentiate between the value of the digits - knowing which is the tens and which is the units.  An activity that we practice a lot in class is counting forwards and backwards in 10s from any number.  Can your child count on 3 tens from 34?
Can they count back 4 tens from 67?
Have a go at home.

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Praise assembly 22nd April 2016

We joined the whole school yesterday for the start of term for our first praise assembly together. We normally meet with Reception and Year 1 so this was nice to see what the older children are doing within their learning and topics.

Specific assembly 'praise' this week goes to:

* Rosa - for super attitude to learning, conducting herself around the classroom and for following up her learning outside of the classroom. A super role model to others.
* Scarlett - for working super well within maths this week. Absorbed in her learning, not allowing others to distract and producing super outcomes!
* Poppy - Absorbed in her learning this week, trying hard when given questions to tackle.
* Charlotte - Super handwriting which has progressed well this year and being applied in all work.
* Amalia - super handwriting, a super level of progress since beginning of the year.
* Noah - great contributions to grammar work this week
* Erica - great contributions to grammar work this week
* Finley - super contributions to lessons this week, offering thoughtful answers to learning.

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Spellings - 22nd April 2016 to check 29th April 2016

The spellings to be given out on Friday 22nd April are as follows:
Comma and Apostrophe Groups: fiction, motion, option, potion, station, determination.
Exclamation Mark and Question Mark: station, potion, world, worth, why and which.
Full Stop Group: boil, oil, soil, thing, think and teeth.

Home Learning - 22nd April 2016

Year 2 Home learning – 22nd April 2016
This week I would like you to have a go at reading the time on these clocks.  At year 2 children are expected to be able to read o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past time.  If they are learning at greater depth they should be able to read the time to the nearest 5 minutes. Please pick one of the sheets to complete that will CHALLENGE you to get to the next level.  For example if you are confident at o’clock and half past have a go at the quarter to and quarter past.  Please return finished sheets to school by next Friday 29th April.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

10 green bottles...

You may have noticed that the plastic bottle greenhouse is nearing completion - we now need more plastic bottles to help complete the roof. Please bring bottles into school to either Mr Gibson (R class) or Mrs Webb (Yr 2).
Thank you!

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Year 2 Parent's Information Session

Don't forget to come along to this term's parent's information session on Wednesday 20th April either at 9am or 3:30pm.  I will be explaining more about this term, what we are learning about and I will be giving further information about the new year 2 SATs and what this entails for your child.

Literacy Learning - Week Beginning 11th April 2016

This week the children have been writing questions and planning some instruction writing to explain what would happen if they were to turn from an ordinary child into a superhero.  They have been inspired by our superhero visit.  

Maths Learning - Week Beginning 18th April

This week the children have been looking at the value of numbers, how they are written in words and digits and what each of the digits in a number is worth.  The children have investigated how many two digit numbers they can make with three digits.  At home you could practice writing numbers in words as well as numbers or even looking at the numbers just beyond 100 and how you write them. (101, 102, 103...)

Superhero visits class - 15--4-16

We were lucky enough in year 2 to have a real superhero visit us on Wednesday.  Iron Man came along to inspire the children, giving them lots of ideas for their writing as well as providing plenty of ideas of how we can be superheroes with our learning.  Picture to follow!

Friday, 15 April 2016

Big Pedal starts Monday 18th April

Just a reminder that we are taking part in "The Big Pedal" again this year. We would like to encourage as many children as possible to come to school on their bicycles and scooters.
The competition lasts for the next two weeks.
In the last two years, the Prince of Wales School as achieved a very high percentage of scooterists and cyclists. We are hoping to achieve the same again in the competition this year.
Parents who scoot or cycle with their children can also earn points for the school.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

A visit in assembly from 'Iron Man!'

A very exciting assembly on Wednesday, when 'Iron Man' made a visit to The Prince of Wales School!

The school have been focussing upon building our Learning Powers and our current particular focus is ' Resilience'. Iron Man presented the school with a knitted turtle which is our school mascot for 'resilience'. In class this week the children have been working upon how to 'grow our resilience' within their individual learning.
'Being absorbed', 'managing distractions' around them and 'persevering' are key areas we have all been thinking about developing with each others' help.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Turtle Visiting - 12-4-16

This week we are beginning our unit of work about sea turtles.  We have a cuddly green turtle which will be making his way home with children from the class over the next few weeks.  When he comes home to you please help the children find out a new fact about turtles and bring it back to school along with our turtle and we will share your findings with the class.

Resilient learners - 12.4.16

What a good start to a new term!
The children have returned fresh, eager and ready to learn.  We started the week by having a special day where we thought about our learning powers!  This term we are focusing on Resilience, during the day the children got a better grasp of what resilience in learning is, and what it looks like.  They took part in activities which required them to use their resilience as well as exploring how they can become absorbed in an activity and get themselves into "The Zone".  We identified how distractions can prevent us from learning and how we can manage these well; how it is OK to get things wrong; how we should go for challenges and lastly how by looking carefully and noticing things around us helps us to become more involved in our learning.  We plan to use our superhero learning powers throughout the term to help us become even better learners