The Book fayre has impacted reading this week, so many children choosing to read books when they can, even at play time!
The class have been working really hard this week, lots of children attained Super Hero certificates and a fair amount of whole class praises have been placed into our marble jar too!
So, this week, the following children were praised:
Music - Tom, Josie, Ziva and Mai - super efforts in listening and moving to rhythms as well as playing rhythms they created on xylophones!
RE - Sophie and Reece, asking lots of questions when learning about the festival of Divali.
Alfie B - wow, amazing reading aloud!
Nell, Flynn and Clark - presenting super maths effort and results this week through sessions
Sunny and George - focussing on their handwriting, presenting joined cursive writing.
Inzi - making the right choices when faced with a tricky situation!
Louis - super effort in writing the beginnings a of his Jungle book based story!