This week we have travelled back in time to the Victorians again and are learning about Mary Seacole. We will be making comparisons between Mary and Florence Nightingale as well as writing a diary entry either from Mary Seacole or one of the injured soldiers looked after by Mary.
In numeracy we are learning how to use a strategy for a written method of calculation in addition using a number line (If you would like a copy of this strategy please ask pop in and ask) as well as learning about inverse operations e.g. 10 + 3 = 7 and 10 - 3 = 7 or "I think of a number, double it and add 5. The answer is 35. What was my number?"
Thank you to all of those of you who have been looking into your family history - we have seen some fantastic photos and great information! It is not too late to bring in some super writing for Mr. Farrington! Or, indeed, carry out more of your own research into Mary Seacole or Florence Nightingale - think about an interesting way to present it. Try this website:
Keep up the super learning!

Mrs. Johnson