Sunday 29 April 2012

Questions from your children...

During our RE lesson on Friday year 2 were discussing reasons why some people choose to attend Church. They decided that the best way to find out is to ask those people who attend and that they wanted to do this through the blog. So here are the questions and the children would love to hear your answers. If you do not attend Church yourself - then maybe you could direct the following questions to a family member or friend who does:

1. Why do you go to church?

2. Have you ever attended a Christening and if so what happened?

3. Why did you decide to become a Christian?

4. Do you read the bible at home? If so, how often do you read it?

5. What do you do in church?

6. What kind of wine do you drink in church?

7. Are the stories in the Bible true?

Thank you for your time in answering these questions that were created by your child and his/her class.          


  1. Oliver said he has been Christened when he was a baby so can't remember it but he can remember Ben's (he cried a little) and Alfie's. Oliver thinks that the stories in the bible are true because it tells us to be polite and good.

  2. Good answers Oliver, I will let Mrs. Bourne know you have replied to her message. Mr. Spracklen
