Monday, 27 February 2012
Reminder - Class Assembly
Our class assembly is on Friday 9th March at 9.20am. The children will need to bring in their Victorian outfits back for that day so that they can change into them for the assembly please.
Sunday, 26 February 2012
Change of date - Victorian Day
Wednesday 7th March will now be our class Victorian Day! (Please note change of date) The children will experience being in a Victorian style classroom for the day. Please could your child wear their Victorian outfit (from the Priest’s House Museum trip) on this day. They will stay in the outfits all day so they will not need to bring their school uniforms in that day. Any questions, please see Mrs. Webb or myself.
Fairtrade Radio Show - A CHALLENGE!
As part of Global Awareness week, Year 2 will be aiming to create their own short radio show about Fairtrade products. I would encourage/challenge you all to have a go at recording something to add to the show at home. This could be an interview with a family member about Fairtrade. It could be a recording of a visit to the shops to buy fairtrade chocolate. It could be a quiz or an advert for a Fairtrade product. However big or small your recording is and in whatever format you make it, we would love to hear your work. This an excellent opportunity for home learning and I look forward to sharing the final show with you. P.S - Most mobiles have audio recorders on now and make the perfect 'portable recording studio'.
This week in Year 2: W/C: 27/02/12
It's Global Awareness week in school and we will be having a variety of exciting workshops throughout the week. On Tuesday morning we will be visited by a man called Kwame who will lead us in an African drumming workshop. After this, we will have a visitor from DEED (Development Education East Dorset) who will be sharing with us about Fairtrade Gold. On Wednesday we will join Reception and Year 1 for a special Action Aid assembly and on Thursday morning, Mr. Farrington will be talking to us about Indian Farming. Throughout the week these workshops will be support with further learning about cultures from around the world, through dance, art, cooking and other activities. We hope you can join us for a special celebration event in the school hall from 2.00pm on Friday 2nd March, to which are parents are warmly invited.
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Sad Face
I was really pleased to bring Lloyd in to show you all today - I think he enjoyed meeting you all, even though he kept his eyes closed the whole time! I can see from the pebble jar that you are working very hard at the moment as a class and I know Mrs. Webb is very pleased also. I do have a sad face though because no one has replied to my message on SWGfL Merlin yet about the Half-Term Holidays. Did you all do nothing during this week? It would really make me smile if people could reply online and let me know what they got up to. I check this regularly and look forward to hearing what you have been doing. Don't forget that you can also start your own discussion using SWGfL Merlin.
Monday, 13 February 2012
Half-term home learning!
I have set up a new discussion board in SWGfL Merlin (under the Year 2 page) to see what you have all been up to over the half-term holiday. Have you been playing in the park? Seeing family? Visiting friends? Why not let us all know through our new discussion. I have also updated your Mathletics challenges so you should all have some new challenges waiting for you.
Global Awareness Week
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Visits and Volcanoes
We've had a great day of learning in Year 2. This morning we went to The Keep Military Museum and learnt some more about the Crimean War. A big thank you to Capt. Parr and Rex for showing us round. Thanks also to the parents who accompanied us on the trip!
This afternoon, as well as writing about our trip and doing group reading, we set off our volcanoes. Along with diet cola and Mentos and Alka-Seltzer rockets, this was another way of showing what can happen when materials react. Needless to say, it was good fun!
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Victorian Leaflets
In Literacy today, we were doing some research for our leaflets about the Victorians. Some of the class wanted to carry on with this and so here are the links we used in class. If you click on these, they will take you to some sites that contain information about the Victorians.
We'd love to see any of the learning done at home!
Victorian Schools
Victorian Toys
Victorian Life
Florence Nightingale
Mary Seacole
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