Sunday, 5 January 2025

Welcome to the Spring term!

Happy New Year to everyone. We hope that you had a lovely restful break! Thank you so much for your kind gifts. 

This term we are starting our learning by linking our English to our planned Space Week (w/b 13th January). I will share more about this over the next couple of days. Next week we will be having a planetarium visit the school for an exciting space adventure. If you are able to this is on school gateway. 

In Maths we will be learning about shape but please do encourage any adding, subtracting and multiplication at home. 

PE for us will still be on a Thursday with Mrs March, please can you make sure that all PE kits are in and labelled. 

Forest School will be commencing on Wednesday and the children will need layers and waterproofs as well as wellies please. 

We can't wait to see you all tomorrow

🌟The Year 2 team 🌟