Hello everyone! We hope you have had a super Easter break and feel refreshed and ready for the start of the Summer term! We are all really looking forward to welcoming you back and to hear about everything you have been up to.
Just a few reminders about the upcoming term:
- Please can all children bring in a named PE kit. We will be doing PE on a Tuesday afternoon.
- Swimming starts on Thursday. Please can any remaining permission slips be returned before Thursday otherwise they will not be able to go swimming. Thank you to those who have already returned these.
- Children should be coming in with a named water bottle and a healthy snack. Fruit is also available daily during break times.
- We have the life education van visiting us on Wednesday! We are all very excited to take part in this workshop.
Any questions, please send an email or catch us at the door.
See you all tomorrow!
Miss White, Mrs Bernard, Mrs Burgess and Mrs Thomas