Monday, 22 May 2023

Secret agent training - week 2

 Happy Monday everyone! We hope you are all well and enjoyed the sunshine over the weekend. We can't believe this is the final week before half term, meaning that we only have one half a term left of year 2.

We are one week through our 'secret agent training' (SATS) and I am so so proud of how all children have approached this. This week we will be focussing on the Maths Papers, this will be done in 3 groups. When children are not taking part in the test they will be taking part in activities that link to the curriculum. Any questions about this please let me know. We are planning to have a treat on Thursday (if all papers are completed) to say a big well done to all children. This will be blogged on Wednesday.

On Friday we are off on a trip to St George's trip. An email has already been sent around about this. Please let me know if you would like to volunteer to join us on this trip.

Any questions, please email me!

Miss White, Miss Greedy, Mrs Hibberd, Mrs Burgess, Mrs Thomas and Mrs Jackson-Young

Tuesday, 16 May 2023

This week in Year 2

Hi everyone, hope you are all having a good week so far. SATS have arrived in Year 2 and so far the children are enjoying this process due to them having their own Secret Agent badge, and the adults keeping things very light hearted in the class. Some children may be doing different activities whilst others are sitting the tests. We are administering all tests in smaller groups to ensure children don't get stressed out. 

Just a reminder, we are swimming on Thursday afternoon. Please send in children with their swimming kit.

Any questions, please email me.

Miss White

Monday, 8 May 2023

Year 2 - Week 3

Hi everyone, we hope you have had a lovely long weekend and enjoyed the coronation festivities! 

We have had yet another amazing week in Year 2, your children continue to make us feel so proud.

In Maths last week we took part in Maths assessments and also accessed Numbots. This week we will be focussing on specific SATS questions to look at different ways to work out questions. In English we wrote our own fiction stories based off a plan we produced. The stories are truly amazing. This week we will be writing Indian animal fact files. In Science we continued to look at plants and explored different eco systems.

Next week SATS (Secret agent training for the children) start. If you wanted any extra information about this a letter will be coming out this week. However, please feel free to talk to me in the morning or after school.

We will be swimming on Thursday, please send your children in with their swimming kits. The children are doing so well with their swimming which is lovely to see.

We still have some children without PE kits in school, please can you ensure your child has theirs in school.

See you all tomorrow!
Miss White, Miss Greedy, Mrs Hibberd, Mrs Burgess, Mrs Thomas and Mrs Jackson-Young