Hello everyone! We hope you have a lovely weekend, despite the stormy weather.
We have had yet another busy but amazing week! The children have really settled in to Year 2 and it is great to see.
This week marked the start of our food, faith and farming fortnight. We have been lucky enough to take part in two workshops this week. The first one focussed on Judaism, where we learnt about Shabbat and made Challah bread. The second one focussed on Islam and we learnt about ramadan and the food that Muslims eat. We had two very special visitors who spoke to us about their religions. It was very informative and all the children really enjoyed it.
In Maths this week we continued to focus on numbers to 100, and we have been comparing numbers using greater than, less than and equal to. In Literacy we have been creating our own comic strips that have included the superheroes we made last week. In PE we have been focussing on our fundamental movement skills.
Just a reminder about the trip on Monday. We are visiting Sturminster Newton Mill to watch the process of flour being made. All children will need a packed lunch on this day. If you haven't given permission yet please do this on pay360 and we are asking for a voluntary contribution for this trip, however this isn't compulsory and all children will attend the trip.
The numbots passwords have changed, all passwords are now EGG. Your child's username has stayed the same.
The home learning for this week is stated below;
Next week we have Harvest Festival on Friday 7th October. We are welcoming families to join our celebration 10:30-11:15 am. There is also a local food links tasting session in the hall at 2:30pm where all are welcome.
Have a great weekend and if you have any questions please email me - a.white@princeofwales.dorset.sch.uk
Miss White, Miss Greedy, Mrs Hibberd, Mrs Burgess and Ebony x