Monday, 5 July 2021

Art Competition Reminder


Mathletics and TTRS June Update

 June has been a Mathletics Tastic Month at The Prince of Wales School.  

No less than 59 certificates have been awarded in the space of a month!  That means that 1000 points or more has been achieved within a week 59 times over!  And that doesn't include all of the other points that children have been earning!  Amazing work everyone, special shout outs go to:

Bronze Award Winners:

Tabitha T, William T, Arlo Sh, Mia P, Olivia P, Alexander P, Amber M, Charlotte J, Jacob H, Alfie D, Rosa D, Logan C, Vasilis C, Asimina C, Anna C, Ellis B and Hollie B

Silver Award Winners:

Tabitha T, Arlo Sh, Mia P, Charlotte J, Rosa D, Vasilis C, Asimina C and Hollie B

And not 1, not 2 but 3 Gold Award Winners!

Gold Award Winners:

Charlotte J, Vasilis C and Hollie B

In Times Table Rockstars we have some resilient learners maintaining and improving their rock speeds right until the end of term.

Well done to the following rockers who all earned certificates in June:

Joel B, Thomas Y, Logan C, William T and Evie P

Reggie bows down to your resilience and awesome times table speeds!