Monday, 24 May 2021
Friday, 21 May 2021
Year Two 'Home Learning' - Friday 21st May
Suggested 'Home Learning' this week:
Spelling practice. - See you group's spelling words.
Reading. - Perhaps you could take an AR Quiz!
Can you complete the bit of “Maths Home Practice”? - Please see the activity sheet that has been sent home.
An Anglo-Saxons activity sheet has also been sent home.
Tuesday, 18 May 2021
Drama and the Viking 'Thing'
What a fantastic afternoon we have had in year 2 today!
This afternoon Viking Chieftain Evans needed help deciding if our Viking tribes were going to invade England.
The Chieftain was assisted by Tribes Algar, Toopey, Osmund, Copsey, Drabble and Gamble, we used role play and a drama technique called Freeze Frames to debate if we should invade England and take it from the Saxons.
During Viking times big decisions and new laws were debated in the 'Thing' which was an early parliament. All the class contributed to our decision to invade England and take it from the Saxons. It was lovely to see all the children, thinking and acting like Vikings, although some of them were a little scary!
The class also experienced how the Vikings made decisions and voted during the Thing.
The children really showed their creative and acting talents and we've had a really fun afternoon.
Ms Evans
Monday, 10 May 2021
Mathletics and TTRS April Update
Well, what a whirlwind April was! Blink and you might have missed it, but well done to those of you who managed to find time to work on your Maths using Mathletics and Times Table Rockstars.
This month in TTRS we would like to say a special well done to:
Jacob A and Gracie for upgrading their Rock Star Status.
Also a massive Rock on to:
Gracie, Alfie, William F, Joel, William T, Jacob H, George W and Logan for being our most improved players.
In Mathletics we had a massive 50 certificates earned in April which shows amazing participation.
We have some very special silver awards going to:
Hollie B, Anna C, Asimina, Vasilis, Charlotte J, Alexander P, Olivia P and Mia P
In our next monthly update we will bring more news on how we got on with World Maths Day. Your costumes were fantastic!
Friday, 7 May 2021
Firstly we went to the Culliford Tree Barrow. This is an ancient Bronze-age Barrow that was also used as a burial place for the Anglo-Saxons about 1000 years ago. It is likely to have been around here that the Anglo-Saxons of the local area gathered for meetings and for special events (like deciding what to do with 54 captured Viking warriors, for example). It was thought to be a place of magic! The ancient people believed that faeries lived inside and that music could be heard coming from the ground! (We didn't hear any though).
We also went to the ancient bank Barrow further along the field.
Of course, we had to go to the site of the "Viking Massacre" that we have been learning about. Although there is not really anything to see (except the new road), it was interesting to stand in the place where such a gruesome event in our local history took place!
Finally, thanks to Hazel from Maiden Castle Farm, we were able to go onto the Lanceborough Barrow. This is the nearest barrow to our school (to the right of Maiden Castle as you look from the road) and feels impressively high once you've climbed to the top! The first group were lucky enough to see two hares dashing across the field. - My type of Earth Magic!
An extra big “Thank you!” goes to Steve Wallis (county archaeologist) who gave us such
interesting lessons in the classroom yesterday and who came with us on the visits today.