Friday, 29 November 2019

Year Two - Money Maths

Image result for british money coins

Our next Power Maths unit in Year 2 involves working with "Money".
In this unit we will:
-count coins and notes
-compare different amounts of money
-find different ways to make the same amount of money
-work out the amount of change
-solve 2-step problems involving money

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Home Learning - Year 2 Wed 27th Nov

  1. Practise your “lines” for the Christmas Show 

  1. Dragons and Unicorns
    Image result for dragon unicorn
Can you do a short piece of writing about “Dragons” or “Unicorns”?
Your writing could take any shape you like:
- a poem
- an acrostic poem
- a story
- a factual account of how dragons or unicorns appear in stories or coats of arms
- a newspaper article
- a description of a particular dragon/unicorn
- a play script

The choice is yours! Happy writing!

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Year 2 Writing Wall of Fame

Image result for daedalus and icarus silhouette

The children in Year Two have put some of their written work about Daedalus and Icarus on the Writing Wall of Fame. Please come a take a look.

Year 2 - Home Learning - Measures

Image result for measuring

Y2 Home Learning Activity
You will need a tape measure, kitchen scales and a capacity jug.
How tall are you in m and cm?

How many millilitres are there in your bottle of shampoo? (ml)

How much does your box of cereal weigh?(g)  (Look on the pack.)

How tall is the tallest person that lives in your house?
Measure in m/cm

How high up do you sleep when you’re in bed?
 – measure in m/cm

Find the biggest potato (or apple, or banana) in the bag.  How much does it weigh? (g)

Measure the distance from your seat in the lounge to the television.  

How much does your breakfast cup/glass contain? (ml) Estimate or measure.

How many millilitres are there in your bottle of ketchup? / or tin of soup? Have a look at the label on the bottle.

If a cereal/soup bowl was full, how many ml of liquid could it hold?

Year 2 - Face Paint

Image result for monster face paint children
Dear Parents,
As part of our “Myths and Legends” artwork, I was hoping to let the children have some fun with our “Face Paints” and turn each other into monsters (...bigger monsters).
If you would rather that your child did not have their face painted (allergies etc), please could you let one of the Y2 Team know.
Many thanks,
Duncan MacBean

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Year 2- Home learning -week of Wednesday 13th November

To use suffixes to generate new words from root words.

These suffixes may help you :- 
-ing, -ship, -er, -ful, -est, -ness, -ly, -ment, -ish, -hood, -dom, -less, -like

Here are some words you know. They are called 'root' words.  Can you make other words that start with them?



Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Home Learning Year 2 , Wed 6th Nov

Image result for witch's potion
Mathematical investigation  "Make the Magic Potion":

Spiders 8 legs
Lizards 4 legs
Bats 2 legs

Potion must have a total of 20 legs. What different potions could you make?

potion 1 = 5 Lizards    4 + 4 = 4 = 4 = 4 =20 legs
potion 2 = 2 Spiders and 1 Lizard 8 + 8 + 4 = 20 legs

Record your answers clearly.

I have also given the children a copy of the words that they will be reading out in our Class Assembly on Friday 22nd November.