Friday, 27 April 2018

Year 2 - Spellings - 27th April 2018

 We are looking at compound words this week (where the word is made up of two smaller words) and a_e words.
Red Phonics Spelling    27th April 2018          Name:_____________________________

Write, check (1)
Write, check (2)
Write, check (3)






Challenge – Can you find any more compound words?

Spellings – Orange Phonics group  27th April 2018    Name:_____________________________

Write, check (1)
Write, check (2)
Write, check (3)






Challenge: Can you find any more compound words?

Spellings  Green and Yellow Group Phonics       27th April 2018            Name…………………………………………………
Write Check (1)
Write Check (2)
Write Check (3)




Challenge: Can you think of any words that have ake at the end?

Year 2 - Home learning - 27th April 2018

Home Learning - 27th April 2018
Mission - To help us remember word types.
This week I would like you to make a bright and interesting poster to help us remember different word types.  We often forget in year 2 what a noun, adjective, verb and adverb are! Can you help? Make a poster that helps us to remember, Miss Johnson will display all of the posters that come back!  Think creatively, how can you make your poster really grab people’s attention? Have lifting flaps, quizzes and clear writing that catches people’s eye, use a mix of pictures and writing. I have attached four posters from Twinkl, but I think you can do much better!  

Also Mr Gibson and Mrs Entwistle have asked us to join in the KS1 eco challenge, please see the attached challenge - it sounds fun and requires junk modelling!  You have 2 weeks to complete this challenge, so happy modelling!

Year 2 - The Daily Mile with special guests - 27th April 2018

We were lucky enough to have the fire brigade join us for a daily mile today.  All of the children enjoyed the event despite the rain!  Well done everyone for their positive attitudes to keeping healthy and thank you to the fire brigade for visiting!

Year 2 - Maths Learning - Week Beginning 23rd April 2018

We have continued to revise and review our time telling skills.  I can't believe how much progress everyone has made with this important skill in the last two weeks.  We have calculated time intervals, starting and finishing times, counting forwards and backwards in hours and minutes.  It was really nice to see some children bringing clocks in from home to demonstrate their understanding of analogue and digital times.  Keep going with the time telling at home.  Maybe you could think about the order of the months in the year and how many days there are in each month.

Year 2 - Literacy Learning - Week Beginning 23rd April

This week we have continued to develop our report writing.  We were lucky enough to have two visitors this week to inspire us.  On Monday Martin came to show us some of his birds of prey and we were also lucky enough to have a visit from The Mayor of Dorchester, Susie Hosford, who had come to thank us for some writing we had sent to her last term.  We have written some fantastic reports about our time with them: recalling interesting facts, writing in sentences and rereading our work to improve it.  Well done everyone... some fantastic writing this week!

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Year 2 - Bike it fortnight and dress like a superhero - 25th April 2018

As you know this week and next we are encouraging children to cycle or scoot to school.  To end the two weeks of wheely fun we would like to invite children to ride to school on dressed as a superhero!  There will be opportunity for the children on the day to ride their bikes around the school - it will certainly be a sight to behold!
Friday 4th of May

Friday, 20 April 2018

Year 2 - Parent's information - 20th April 2018

Year 2's parent information session will take place on Thursday 26th April at 9am in the school hall.  Please come along and find out what we will be up to this term. 

Year 2 - Staying safe in the sun - 20th April 2018

If the sunny weather continues into next week, please ensure that your child has a sun hat, sun cream and plenty of water in school.  We have a box in which to keep all children's sun
cream in the class, so please make sure it is labelled and we will help them to apply the right amount at playtime and lunchtimes. 

Year 2 - Spellings - 20th April 2018

Red Phonics Group Spelling    20th April 2018          Name:_____________________________

Write, check (1)
Write, check (2)
Write, check (3)






Challenge – What other words can you find that end ed or est?

Spellings – Orange Phonics group  20th April 2018    Name:_____________________________

Write, check (1)
Write, check (2)
Write, check (3)






Challenge: Can you find any more words ending er or ed?

Spellings  Yellow and Green Group Phonics       20th April 2018                        Name…………………………………………………
Write Check (1)
Write Check (2)
Write Check (3)




Challenge: Can you find other words with the same sound?

Year 2 - Home Learning - 20.4.18

Year 2 – Home Learning – 20th April 2018
We have just finished reading “The Twits” by Roald Dahl.  I would like you to choose one of the following activities about the book:
1. Draw a labeled picture of Mr or Mrs Twit.
2.  Design a nasty trick the Twits could play on each other.
3.  Carry out a science experiment involving a balloon.
4.  Create a missing boys poster for the boys who got stuck in the tree.
5.  Make a collage of the Roly-Poly Bird.
6. Research where Muggle-Wump the Monkey and his family might have come from.
7. Design a new front cover.
8.  Write an extra chapter to explain what happened to Muggle-Wump and his family next.
9. Make an advertising poster for Hugtight glue.
Or if you have another idea … Please bring your work back by Friday 27th April.

Year 2 - Maths Learning - Week Beginning 16th April 2018

In Maths we have been making great leaps forwards in telling the time.  Children are now much more confident in reading times to the nearest quarter hour or the nearest 5 minutes.  They have been working through the 10 ticks to telling the time:
We started by just looking at the hour hand, the short hand, where it is parting or what it has just gone past.
Then we counted in fives around the clock with the minute hand, counting in 5s.
We have a little rhyme to help us remember which hand is which:
The short hand shows the hours of the day, The long hand counts the minutes away.
The children have written the times digitally and in words as well as drawing hands onto analogue clocks.  I have sent home a time telling game along with the home learning to allow everyone to practice this.

Year 2 - Literacy Learning - Week Beginning 16th April 2018

This week we have been writing reports, we have reported on our Easter holidays; recapped on our visit to Dippy; used ICT to write a newspaper report about Dinosaurs on the loose in London and even become intrepid live reporters by making video reports about our school.  We will continue to write more reports next week and will be focusing on adding more detail as well as refining the beginning and endings so that they are clear and easy to read. 

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Year 2 - Come Dine With Me - 18.4.18 for 25.4.18

A quick reminder that you are invited to come and eat with the children at 12:20pm on Wednesday 25th April.  Please ask at the office if you have not yet booked your meal and you wish to attend.