Tuesday, 31 October 2017
Year 2 - Welcome Back - 31st October 2017

Saturday, 21 October 2017
Y2 - Autumn 1st Half Term Awards - 21st October 2017
What an amazing first half term we have had in year 2. We have had an extremely strong start to the year, everyone without exception has made great progress towards their own targets. Behaviour, effort and attitudes to learning have been exemplary. Learning powers have helped us all succeed. A special well done goes to: Phillippa, Kurtis, Alyce, Imogen, Tilly, Harlan, Jacob and Jasmine for achieving this half term's awards.
Y2 - Amazing India - 21st October 2017
A few more photos that I couldn't resist posting of our amazing India day. Thank you everyone for your help on the day!
Friday, 20 October 2017
Y2 - Half Term Spellings - 20th October 2017
Spellings – Friday 20th October
2017 to learn for Friday 3rd November
Half-term spelling challenge. This week I have made a list of words that we
often use in our writing and that we sometimes get wrong. These common words are sometimes difficult to
remember how to spell, so coming up with simple rhymes, spotting patterns or
even just reading the word over and over again can help. From this list I would like you to learn at least 5 spellings, but you may
like to try more… Lots of superhero
points on offer for learning these and getting them right!
Write and Check
Write and Check
Write and Check
Year 2 - Holiday Homelearning - 20th October 2017
Home Learning – 20th October 2017
The Great Mathletics Challenge! During the holidays you will have the chance
to earn up to three Mathletics certificates!
Challenge 1: Log on at home and start earning points.
Challenge 3: The highest number of points – who will earn the
most in one week.
Challenge 4: How many certificates can the class earn
Superhero points are available for each challenge and Miss
Johnson will put one marble into the jar for each certificate awarded between
21st October and 30th October. Can we fill the jar?
You will find your log in at the front of your reading record.
Thursday, 19 October 2017
Year 2 - A fantastic couple of days - 20th October 2017

Today was our India day in year 2 and the start of the Hindu festival Diwali. The children have enjoyed making curries with Mrs Webb during the week and with a lot of help from Mrs Mistry-Dyer and Mrs Mathew we had a real banquet ready for the parents this afternoon when they came to visit our Indian restaurant! The food was delicious and everyone enjoyed our Bollywood Bop dancing. Well done year 2 and thank you so much to all of the adults who have made these inspiring days possible.
Happy Diwali Everyone.
Please remember that we would like your child to wear their costume from today in our class assembly on Friday 3rd November. Please bring it to school in a named bag in the week after half term.
Friday, 13 October 2017
Y2 - India Day - 13th October for 19th October 2017
2 – India Day

If you are stuck for costume ideas for your child please come and see us as we have quite a few costumes that they could borrow. Many thanks to the parents who have offered to help on the day, we couldn't do it without you.
Also, we would like the children to
wear their costumes again for our class assembly on Friday 3rd
Many Thanks
The Year2 Team
Year 2 - Spelling - 13th October 2017

Red Spelling Group: "ful" and "ment" suffixes.
joyful, useful, tearful, hurtful, pavement, enjoyment, useless
Orange Spelling Group: revising the ue sound.
blue, true, tissue, value, flute, glue
Green and Yellow Spelling Group: ur and common words.
fur, turn, burn, hurt, the, went
Next week we will be giving a list of common words that we often spell incorrectly to learn over the holidays.
Year 2 - A special writing challenge - 13th October 2017
In order to inspire our young learners and to enable them to
understand how their literacy skills are so important, we are launching a
"What's the point" project! It's simple - please could you send a
photograph of yourself or a family member using literacy skills in the
work place (writing as well as reading). Your child's class teacher will
aim to show a different one before literacy lessons to spark discussion
and to contextualise writing as well as inspiring them to foster a love
for writing. We would also like to display these picture as well as use
them on blogs and on the school Facebook page, so please make the
teacher aware if you do not wish this to happen with your photograph.
Thank you in advance for your support in this fun project - the children will really enjoy seeing your pictures!!!!!
Mrs. Johnson - Literacy coordinator
Year 2 - Maths Learning - Week Beginning 9th October 2017

Firstly by collecting objects to represent amounts and then counting all that you have. Use blocks, bricks, counters or pasta to help you count.
Then, try counting on. Start at the biggest number that you are adding and count on the smaller amount.
Next, try adding on tens and then ones. Using a number line can help.

Next week we will begin to look at subtraction and continue to look at the connection between addition and subtraction.
Year 2 - Literacy Learning - Week Beginning 9th October 2017

Thursday, 12 October 2017
Year 2 - The Great Toy Debate - 12th October 2017
Today in year 2 the children discussed the issue of toys in school. The children were amazingly mature in talking about the issues that bringing toys into school create. They came up with the following:
Toys get lost.
Toys distract people.
It is not fair if you aren't allowed to bring toys in and your friends are.
It is not fair if you haven't got the toys that your friend has.
Other people pick toys up if they are dropped and you might not get them back.
Toys get broken.
Swapping things can cause arguments.
The children came to the conclusion themselves that it would be fairer and better if toys were left at home and played with out of school. They talked about other things that they can do at playtime and were even keen to show this in our afternoon fit break where we had lots of running around and happy children playing lots of active games in the playground.
So, the children have spoken, from this day forth toys will be kept to play with at home and after school with your friends rather than in school and at playtime. Well done year 2 for being so grown up and understanding how we can make our class and school a fair and fun place to be!
Toys get lost.
Toys distract people.
It is not fair if you aren't allowed to bring toys in and your friends are.
It is not fair if you haven't got the toys that your friend has.
Other people pick toys up if they are dropped and you might not get them back.
Toys get broken.
Swapping things can cause arguments.
The children came to the conclusion themselves that it would be fairer and better if toys were left at home and played with out of school. They talked about other things that they can do at playtime and were even keen to show this in our afternoon fit break where we had lots of running around and happy children playing lots of active games in the playground.
So, the children have spoken, from this day forth toys will be kept to play with at home and after school with your friends rather than in school and at playtime. Well done year 2 for being so grown up and understanding how we can make our class and school a fair and fun place to be!
Year 2 - Praise Assembly - 13th October 2017
Today year 2 children were praised for their resilience in working to achieve awards and certificates through their online learning. Lexie, Jason, Oscar, Able, Kurtis, Beau and Isla all achieved certificates. Well done, keep up the hard work!
We have also had some excellent writing and planning at home in preparation for our BIG WRITE tomorrow. Well done Jason, Florence, Jasmine, Oscar and Andreas for bringing in your writing and planning so far. I look forward to seeing more tomorrow, I've heard talk of a puppet theatre... can't wait!
We also had to show our Diwa lamps which we have made for our India day next week and in response to our learning about Hinduism in RE. The children were very focused in their approach to using clay and carved some super detail into the surface using clay tools. The Taj Mahal group and The Jungle group were praised for their work so far...
Don't forget our India Day next Thursday, a blog will follow inviting you all to our Indian Restaurant.

We also had to show our Diwa lamps which we have made for our India day next week and in response to our learning about Hinduism in RE. The children were very focused in their approach to using clay and carved some super detail into the surface using clay tools. The Taj Mahal group and The Jungle group were praised for their work so far...
Don't forget our India Day next Thursday, a blog will follow inviting you all to our Indian Restaurant.
Friday, 6 October 2017
Year 2 - Praise Assembly - 6th October 2017
Year 2 - Wonderful Wacky Hair - 6th October 2017
Year 2 - Maths Learning - Week Beginning 2nd October 2017

Year 2 - Literacy Learning - Week Beginning 2nd October 2017

Instead of writing: In the hot and calm and beautiful jungle...
Captain connective would write: In the hot, calm and beautiful jungle...
The children have also begun to write their own version of the Jungle Book which they will continue with next week in our BIG WRITE. Please see the home learning blog.
Y2 - Spelling - 6th October 2017
Y2 - Home Learning - 6th October 2017
Year 2 Home Learning – Friday 6th
October 2017
Next week year 2 will be taking part in
their first Big Write of year 2. This
time we plan to write stories. We have
used the Jungle book story to help us describe the scene and characters in our
own story. The children have written the
beginning of the story, but need help at home this weekend to think about what
might happen next!
At home you could help by trying one of the
Talk about the story and watch the film. (Disney 1967 version)
Use the pictures below as puppets to act out the children’s ideas
Help them to write ideas down.
Make a cartoon strip of what happens next.
We will be doing the Big Write on Friday,
so that you have got plenty of time to think of ideas.
Here is what we have
already done in class as well as some of the characters you could cutout and
use as puppets:
Wednesday, 4 October 2017
Year 2 - Wacky Hair Day - THIS FRIDAY
a quick reminder that the Children's Voice have decided to support the
Weldmar Hospicecare in Dorchester by taking part in their Wacky Hair Day
this Friday for a suggested donation of £1.
We can't wait to see some of your wacky hair and look forward to putting some on the blog for you to see!
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