This week we have been working on telling the time. The children's
confidence has grown enormously and many are now attempting to read the time to the nearest 5 minutes. To practice this at home try setting a clock to an o'clock time and then counting the minutes with the minute hand from the 12, counting in 5s around the clock until you get to the correct number.
So for 8:40, set the clock to 8:00 and then with the minute hand at the 12, count in 5s for each section of the clock until you get to 40.
A couple of finer points to really master telling the time:
1. Notice how the hour hand moves between two numbers as the hour passes. It doesn't stay on one number and suddenly move to the next. For example at 10:30 the hour hand will be half way between the 10 and the 11. Challenge: See if you can tell the time by just looking at the hour hand on a clock!
2. Be sure to know which hand is which!
3. Once you have mastered the 5 minute intervals, try the nearest minute.
We have used the template in the picture to make our own clocks. You can download the template from